There is no question that nowadays it is often hard to find the truth. It seems so many things are presented as truth that are not, and the truth is whatever you want it to be. In the quest to always seem compassionate, we often minimize the severity of sin, which in the end is a great disservice to those to which we are speaking.
It is difficult not to get pulled into this play with words, it is all around us. Both sides of the issue, many well intentioned, want to ease the pain of those suffering, but in the end, there is only one truth.
We must always be careful to pray and discern that we are speaking that truth, especially when it comes to the truths of our faith and the acknowledgment and forgiveness of sin through the sacrament of reconciliation. We are told “the truth will set you free,” and truly it does.
Lately there has been a lot of buzz with language when it comes to people who have had an abortion. We are told using the term “post abortion” takes away the persons dignity, and that we should speak of it as an” abortion experience” or even a “pregnancy loss.”
I have asked countless women who have reached healing from abortion, and they have no issue with the term “post abortion.” Like myself, they feel all that really means is that you are a person who has had an abortion in your past.
The term “post abortion” in no way defines us. Who it does define are those are still locked in their shame. They cannot bear to think of what they have done or begin to face their role in their abortions, and so anything associated with it is understandably difficult for them to hear. Instead of changing language we need to help free them. Feeding into their shame by mincing words only validates that which we hope to dispel. “Post abortive” does not speak to them as a person but speaks to the act versus something like calling them a “murderer” which is a judgment of the person.
There will always be something to trigger a past abortion. Abortion is a traumatic experience. Whether it is a word, an action, or another aspect of is the very nature of working through the process of healing. We need to help them recognize their personal abortion connectors, so they lose their power over them and through this healing come to recognize they are not their abortions, they are, and always have been children of God. Language does not make us loose our dignity, sin does because it separates us from God, but we are always His children, and He is always loving us. Having an abortion is something they did not who they are. As they work through their healing process in truth, the shame they project (with language or other things) and the unforgiveness they feel from God will be replaced by His love and mercy as they understand the dynamics of abortion, and its impact on their life as they grow in relationship with Him.
It is a very dangerous slippery slope and a ploy of the devil to use secular language to soften the truth of abortion. There is something to be said in taking responsibility for your sin, so you see it and repent. Of course, they should be led there with gentleness, truth, and love, but watering sin down, especially serious sin, does not make it any less severe.
There are different degrees of responsibility, very few women chose abortion freely as something they truly desire. Taking responsibility for their part and letting go of the rest with the help of God's grace is crucial to the healing process.
Identifying with something that is a part of your life, good or bad, especially something as traumatic as abortion, does not mean you are more or less of a child of God. The apostles (and saints) often spoke of their sinfulness, their need for God and the mercy He had shown them
In our society, there is more and more of an attempt to normalize abortion as well as many other sins. We attempt to erase the sin thinking we are being understanding and will make the person feel better by either extreme acceptance or false compassion, but they know in their hearts how serious it is, they have lost their children. They need people beside them that are willing to stand with them in the truth of what deep inside they know, to stand with them at the foot of the cross as they journey to healing.
It’s hard to truly love. To unselfishly speak God’s truth no matter the consequences. To face the scrutiny, perhaps by people you love. To know you may be rejected for standing up for that truth. It’s scary but it is only the truth which sets us free.
I pray we always have the courage to state and hear the truth in love and by the grace of God help people to heal from the terrible scourge of abortion which has claimed millions of souls.
In the end the answers are not in the language, it is in seeing things in truth. The truth of what happened, the truth of the lies surrounding abortion, the truth of who you really are, a child of God, and the truth of who God is and our need for His mercy and forgiveness. A Father who sent His only begotten Son into the world for the forgiveness of our sins so we may have eternal life...that is the only language we need-the language of His love.