I have always wondered how many women die from abortion where it is classified as from some thing else. I bet the number is much higher than anything imagines.
I do not remember seeing this on the front page of any paper...it is heartbreaking.
The truth is abortion kills unborn children and women
Records Reveal Abortion Center's Callousness to Injured Woman
Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com EditorEm
December 7,
As LifeNews.com first reported, Laura Smith, a 22-year-old from Honduras, died in September after getting an abortion from Rapin Osathanondh at the Women Health Center abortion business.
Officials with the pro-life group Operation Rescue obtained the transcript and audio recording of the 911 call a woman named Kim, who was an employee at the abortion center, made after Osathanondh botched the abortion.
called the Hyannis Fire Department on September 13 requesting medical
assistance for Smith, who had aspirated and was not breathing.
The audio of the call is noteworthy for its brevity, with Kim providing no other details to emergency officials about Smith's condition at the time of the call or mentioning she had just undergone a surgical abortion.
Smith's mother, Eileen Smith, also listened to the call and said she was surprised at the lack of emotion she heard, the pro-life group told LifeNews.com.
Eileen Smith said she had expected to hear panic and perhaps background noise indicating efforts to revive her daughter, but instead there was just a matter-of-fact pronouncement that her daughter was "not breathing."
Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger, told LifeNews.com about what she heard on the tapes.
"I've heard people order pizza with more emotion than that clinic worker had when calling help for Laura," she said.
At the same time, Sullenger said emergency personnel were competent and caring.
"In contrast, it appears that the emergency workers did all they could for Laura. The amount of units that responded, and the call to the Captain indicated that they took the situation very seriously," she explained.
Smith has pursued legal action against Osathanondh but her case awaits an autopsy report that should have taken about four weeks to produce. Three months later, it has yet to materialize.l
"All the delay in releasing the autopsy report is accomplishing is continued pain to Laura's family, who cannot find closure until the legal issues are resolved," said Sullenger.
Sullenger said the public should be upset because Osathanondh continues to do abortions on women who don't know he has already killed one woman.