Last night I went to the live EWTN show that Fr Groeshel does on Sunday nights. His guest was a friend of mine, Father MIchael Sepp.
Father Michael was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer (not a smoker)a few months ago. It is also in his knees, back and hip.
Father is an extraordinary priest..very humble and gentle. Also very loved. It was no surprise to me that he chose to do the show so he could share being terminal with those out there in the TV audience who are experiencing the same thing. when he was first diagnosed, he shared with me that it was now time "to put into practice" what he had been telling many people over his 25 years of priesthood.
He says, he feels "blessed" since learning of his illness. He no longer takes things for granted, and,he has a great deal of support around him between family, friends and parishioners.
Unlike what most would do at this extremely private time, he is sharing his journey with is parishioners in his homilies, and teaching them how to die with faith. He is exposing the merciful love of God...
When I got home I was thinking of how we share our stories for the same reason... mine is one of God bringing good out of my worst sin by using it to bring me to His mercy. Father Michael's is one of a humble holy priest, allowing God to use HIm to speak of His goodness and mercy in the midst of suffering.
I felt very blessed to have gone to the show, and I have always felt blessed to know him...please keep him in your prayers as he continues to be an example of living faith amid suffering and trials...