I find it so ironic that a campaign that professes to speak for women and their freedoms, will in fact, chain women to a life of regret by their extreme pro abortion policies. I also find it very sad, that so many have bought into the lies and truly believe by making abortion without limits we are doing a service for women.
Abortion is in fact, a grave injustice to women and their children. It has degraded the value of every life by abstract decisions of who will live and who will not. It has taken the welfare of minor children who become pregnant, out of the hands of parents who love them and into an industry that destroys life. The idea of freedom of choice has become the ultimate bondage for countless women as they mourn their unborn children, and for some, recognize that those were the only children they would ever have.
Abortion has secured the right of abandonment by men, and irresponsible behavior, making the sacred act of sexual union no more than a night at the movies, and women no more than sex objects. Sexual freedom has caused chains of disease and regret for a lifetime, often impacting future relationships and children. Women are now easily used, with consent, because they have fallen for the deceit of usage of words to fit an agenda that cares no more about them then the babies that are being killed in the womb. If they did, protections would be passed to truly ensure health of the mother, but each attempt made is rejected in the face of a fear of the overturning of Roe vs wade.
Protecting the right to abortion at any time, any way and for any reason has become more important than the women it has professed to protect. Abortion has become a god…the true God, giving life, the false god of abortion,taking it away.
These are truly sad and dark times. Abortion is not a womens right that has set her free, it has made her the object which she sought to get away from, only it has done it legally instead of in back alleys. It has fooled women into thinking they are in control, while all the time, they have been duped by a money making industry that seeks nothing but its own profit and satisfaction through destroying innocent life and countless families. In time the truth will win out, it always does, but I fear the many lives lost and the long suffering that will come as a result of this administration extreme pro abortion policies. It will be as we have not seen before and no good could come out of the destruction it will leave in its path. My prayer is, that we continue to reach out to those suffering. That no matter what the cost or consequences, we continue to speak the truth in the face of the lies of abortion. May we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the way the truth and the life, knowing that the victory has already been won.