The American Public Health Association (APHA) recently adopted 12 policies at its 136th Annual Meeting in San Diego.
Ok, so my first reaction was who the heck is the "American Public Health Association"??? With what little I seemed to be able to find out, it appears to be another pro abortion lobbying group ...reading # 20083 below clearly shows they do not care about women, but only about unlimited abortion, any time any where, for anyone, for any reason....
20083 - Safe, legal abortion access - Urges state lawmakers to
repeal or oppose state laws that in any way limit access to safe
abortion services, including mandatory delays and information or
counseling that is not science-based, bans on specific abortion
procedures, parental consent or notification requirements, targeted
regulation of abortion providers, and limits for advanced practice
clinicians in providing abortion services. Supports state laws that
improve abortion access, including funding for abortion via state
Medicaid funds and protecting health facilities and clinicians that
provide abortion services. Also supports state laws that maintain
medical decision-making within the patient-health care provider
relationship, that strengthen the current federal protection on the
right to access abortion under Roe v. Wade, and that allow trained
advanced practice clinicians to provide medical and aspiration