It i s hard to imagine the joy of Mary and the apostles when the Holy Spirit finally came to them.
Being someone whose worse virtue is patience, I often think of them hiding in the Upper Room praying for the gift of the Holy spirit and wonder if they were saying.."what is taking so long?". But they kept trusting and praying....
I know that I did a novena for my dad's conversion for 15 years! Everyday I would pray for to Our LAdy of Czestochowa asking for his the end, my prayers were answered, although many times in those years I wondered why I even bothered to pray.
In our trials of life when it seems like God has a deaf ear and our prayers are not being answered, we need to think of Mary and the apostles and the way they perservered as they waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
"The Holy
Spirit will come to you, depending on the extent of your hunger for His presence
and your yearning for His works in your heart." (The
Gift of Faith, pg. 163)