Leave it to the NYT's to only see one side of the picture. In their article "In Subway Ads on Abortion, " by Susan Dominus, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/27/nyregion/27bigcity.html we are led to believe that the "Abortion Changes You" ads currently running in the NYC subways are secretly an attempt to make women feel guilty. Funny, I am post abortive and they not only don't make me feel guilty, they legitimize all the feelings I had, and I know hundreds of other post abortive women who feel the same way.
To quote the article: "Nowhere on the site does abortionchangesyou.com mention an anti-abortion agenda. But when I clicked the “Find Help” button and typed in a Manhattan ZIP code, the first thing that popped up was Project Rachel, an initiative of the Roman Catholic Church to “present the truth of the impact and extensive damage abortion inflicts on the mother, father, extended family and society.”
So much for no judgment."
So, because the church is offering help to women, and they acknowledge the impact abortion has, not only on the mother and father but extended family and society, that means they are judgmental?
Obviously, Ms Dominus is the one who is judgmental, not only by her completely biased article, but also her lack of knowledge of the dynamics of abortion and it's impact on countless people. Having worked with post abortive women for almost 20 years now, and being post abortive myself, I can testify to the fact that it is a true statement for many, and that stating the truth does not mean there is judgment, it means they acknowledge feelings countless women have been feeling for years.
I am sure if you picked someone without a pro abortion agenda out in a crowd and asked them about the impact of abortion on women, men and families, you would be hard pressed to find someone who disagrees with the statement from Project Rachel. It is only the pro abortion agenda, one in which keeping abortion legal has taken priority over the lives of the people they are claiming to protect, who would deny that statement.
Perhaps Susan should look at the Feministing web page about the ads, http://www.feministing.com/cgi-bin/movabletype/mt-search.fcgi?IncludeBlogs=2&search=new+york+subway+ads&limit=20 where many pro choice women who are also pro abortive voiced the truth of the "Abortion Changes You " ads.
It is time women, from both sides of the issue, start stating the truths about abortion. If it did not bother you fine, (personally I would not want to be able to kill my child and not have it bother me), but we will not allow you to deny our feelings or the impact it had on us, our families and others anymore....