I wrote this 15 years ago...it has gotten much better with groups like Silent no More around and other venues where post abortive women and men are speaking out, but there is still a lot of judgment out there on all sides and we are still (and always will be ) in need of Gods Mercy!
Stuck in the Middle Again 1995
For years after my abortion I longed to talk to
someone who would legitimize the pain I was feeling. I guess you gravitate
towards those who will meet your needs. I was filled with guilt and shame and
deeply mourning the baby I had lost, in silence. Our society does not speak
about abortion, unless it is in the context of the political debate.
Friends and family seem to think that if it is
ignored you can go on with your life as if nothing has happened. Those of us in
touch with our pain often find in time, the pro- life side to enroll with.
Knowing too well that we killed our unborn child and how terrible it was, we
feel a sense of connection, for after all, they are trying to end the
destruction of the unborn.
Those of us who have fled from the guilt and
pain through denial often find themselves in the pro-abortion ranks, defending
abortion at any cost. To do otherwise would mean having to look at the reality
of what we have done. It seems noble to protect a woman's right to choose. Even
I have often likened it to the story of Judas
who betrayed the innocent life of Christ. Instead of trusting in the love Jesus
had for the apostles, and believing Jesus had their best interest at heart,
Judas took the situation on himself. He thought he knew better. Not unlike
those of us who found ourselves pregnant and in a difficult situation. Jesus
was not doing things the way Judas wanted. Neither one of us listened to Him.
The Scribes and Pharisees were looking for
someone to sell Jesus out and Judas fell right into their hands, betraying
Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. We who were pregnant fell into the hands of a
"woman's choice" society.
After the arrest of Jesus, Judas felt instant
remorse. The reality of what he had done sunk in and Judas realized what a
grave mistake he had made. Filled with grief and shame, he returned to the
Scribes and Pharisees and gave them back the 30 pieces of silver, but they wanted
no part of him. They had accomplished what they had set out to do and now told
him in his despair “what do we care about that…it is your business.” An echoing
of the denial of the after effects of abortion on women in our society.
I am sure Judas thought he could never approach
those who were mourning Jesus either, for he thought they would hate and judge
him and would never understand his reasons for the betrayal, as wrong as they
may have been. I am sure there were voiced thoughts among those who loved Jesus
of “how can anyone do this” or “I would never do that if I were in his
situation”. Judas left alone, gave in to despair, went and hanged himself.
It is too bad Judas didn’t realize that the one
he could go to, the one who would have understood was Jesus Himself. There he
would have found forgiveness and mercy and I am sure, would have become the
greatest apostle, singing the praises of God.
The isolation often felt by post abortive people
in our society speaks in volumes, the same message…”you killed your
child…"we do not want to talk about it"…"it is your problem”.
Yet the abortion debate continues to be one of the biggest issues in each
election our country has.
The chants of a woman s right to choose are
echoed in the pro-abortion candidate’s statements and speeches, as are the
rights of the unborn in the pro-life candidates. But no one is willing to speak
or to listen to the millions who know the real truth about abortion… those who
have lost their children.
Many post abortive people follow the path of
Judas with self-destructive behavior. Their lives are filled with despair,
addictions, promiscuity, shame, guilt, and yes sometimes even suicide. Others
of us have been blessed in time, and have gone to the ones who can heal us; God
and our children, who are only too happy to offer us forgiveness and mercy. I’d
like to think that we then become as Pope John Paul II says the "greatest
advocates for life". As the love shown to us by God increases and we find
healing, we are dedicated to proclaiming the mercy and love of Jesus and are
equipped to combat the evil of abortion with the truth we know full well.
Things have improved, there are post abortion
ministries and some outreach by the church, but our words still often fall on
deaf ears treating us as if we had no right to voice an opinion at all, for
after all, we are ones who willingly killed our children. We can seek healing,
but no one wants to listen to what we have to say. We need to keep in our
place, still separated from our children. Like before our abortions, everyone
else is all too ready to proclaim what is right and tell us what to do leaving
us feeling compelled to pick sides depending on what we ourselves are
I have found the truth is in the middle of this
debate. Abortion is always wrong because it takes the life of an unborn child,
but I also know that the lack of compassion and understanding and the quickness
to judge those who have had abortions is also wrong. Although their bodies are
still alive, these PA children of God have no life in them, for their souls are
most times dead.
I believe abortion continues because both sides
think they have the answers. "A women's right to chose", "Save
the unborn". The pride is often so strong that they too are committing the
sin of Judas…they think they know better than Christ does.
I understand. Who am I to judge. Me who have
needed so much mercy and have been forgiven and blessed to come to know in such
depths the love of Christ. So, I reach out to those still suffering in the
hopes my healing will give them the hope they need to be healed. I listen to
their pain and legitimize their feelings…they are right on target. Most of all,
I thank God that I am stuck in the middle now, knowing abortions truth through
the light of His love.
Theresa Bonopartis