RH Reality Check posted the following article written by extreme pro abortion feminist Amanda Marcotte. I think Amanda is the one who needs a reality check!
I have worked with many teens who aborted without parental consent . It is heartbreaking. Some suffer from depression, for many the relationships with their families have changed. They have distanced themselves without the parents knowing why,leaving the ones that love them wondering what has gone wrong. Some are even suicidal.
Having had an abortion myself as a teen,and knowing what I went through, it makes me angry to think Amanda is pushing her agenda at the expense of these teens who she obviously does not care about at all.They in no way are emotionally mature enough to make such a life altering decision. Why is it Amanda can state they are not physically developed enough for pregnancy at that age, but she thinks they can make an emotional decision such as abortion on their own?
She uses the alternating words "daughter", "women", "teenager" and "girl" to suit what she is trying to rationalize. So what are we talking about here? A woman? A girl? A teenager?
She states that "half of teenagers obey their hormones not their parents". Does this mean that because they may not follow the advice of their parents the parents should refrain from teaching them morals and values? What gives her the right to think she knows what is best for other peoples children?
She says there was adulation for the Palins "for embracing teen motherhood instead of college". Why should there have to be that choice? Why can't a teenager who has gotten pregnant give life to her child and go to college? If Amanda really cares for these teens why doesn't she put her energy into making sure they can do both instead of enshrining abortion?
Amanda says she would take what "Anti choicers" tell her to do and do the opposite.
We get it, she is already doing that, and that is fine.Do what you want Amanda, you are an adult and you can make your own decisions, but keep out of the lives of other peoples teenagers.
Amanda is way off base and obviously cares more about the act of abortion than the teenagers she claims to care about. She definitely needs a reality check.
When Teenagers Seek Abortion Care the Myths Are Exposed
By Amanda Marcotte, RH Reality Check
March 30, 2010 - 7:00am
It was a seemingly small story, one of those reproductive rights-related stories that crops up in the news, attracts some amount of attention, and then fades away as other stories crowd it out. But I want to look a little more closely at this story about a Seattle mother who is furious that her 15-year-old daughter got a legal abortion with the school health center’s help without telling her mother. To be completely clear, this was 100 percent within the law. Washington state understands that parental notification laws are an assault on the well-being of teenagers and so far has no such laws. The school health center is run not by the school but by the public health department, and students who go to the health center -- including this girl -- have permission to receive care due to permission slips signed by their parents.
Abortion is a safe, legal medical procedure, and there is no reason for school health centers not to refer patients to providers if those patients want it. That’s the simple fact of the matter, but unfortunately, that’s not where this story ends. What this story has revealed is that a number of pernicious anti-choice myths have taken hold in our society, and these myths are confusing people’s ability to see the plain truth of this story. Here’s some of the anti-choice myths touched on by the coverage of this story in both the conservative and mainstream news, and the reality behind these myths.
You can read the rest here: http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/blog/2010/03/29/when-teenagers-seeking-healthcare-myths-emerge-about-abortion?nocache=1#comment-form