I love this time of year, and especially Holy Week and the week of Easter leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday. It is such a call to God’s mercy and forgiveness. Such an overflowing of His grace and love for us. I also love the readings of these days, parables o f HIs impact on the lives of so many people, people although from another time, who were just like us.
“And the
chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus too, because many of the Jews were
turning away
and believing in Jesus because of him.” (JN 12:11)
I love this passage from today’s gospel. It is reminiscent of the woman at the well when she returned to the town to tell them what Jesus had done for her.
“Many Samaritans from that city believed in him because of the woman's
testimony, "He told me everything I have ever done." (JN 4:39)
Two amazing events, the raising of Lazarus from the dead, and the change in the Samaritan woman. Events that caused others to believe they recognized the experience of knowing Jesus was not only life changing, but life giving.
Perhaps I love both of these parables so much, because I relate to them. After my abortion I was dead because of my sin. Coming to know Jesus and building a living relationship with Him was a life changing experience. No longer was I full of fear. No longer was I shy. His life in me and the realization o f what He has done for me caused me to want to let others know what he can, and want s to do for them.
As we enter more fully into Holy Week ,the Paschal Triduum and The Resurrection may we embraced with gratitude the love of God for each one of us, and love Him with the life giving love He has given us.