I just finished watching a video posted at the "Abortion Clinic Days" blog. In it, three "clergy persons:" address women with the distinct purpose of telling them abortion is okay and God understands.
I was struck by the way they twist and turn scripture, and the deceit involved in their statements. In one section the "christian" clergy woman tells them "God is with you and is going to be by your side" during the abortion. She goes on,"nothing can separate you from the love of God- that means abortion too." While those statements are true, God is always with us, it does not mean there are no consequences to the act of abortion,or, that he approves of all of our actions. He loves the sinner not the sin. It also does not mean you will be at peace after the abortion or that there will not be suffering as a result of the act. She implies that nowhere in the bible does it say abortion is not ok! Really? How about, "thou shall not kill."
A Rabbi also does a video telling women they can have an abortion "with the blessing of your community". I certainly know rabbis who would tell them differently.
The deception and misrepresentation of faith is astounding. Certainly a work of the father of lies.These women obviously have no clear understanding or are purposefully leading women astray. It is scary and obviously evil.
The good news, however, is God is merciful and truly does love us and forgive us if we repent. There is healing although there is pain to go through in the process, He desires our salvation and is always with us, even when we recognize what a terrible mistake we have made through abortion.
"Not every church is against abortion" the so called Christian clergy person says....that is true, but every person who truly knows Jesus Christ and follows His commandments is....one day she will find that out.