In the
chapel resides the “Immaculate Heart of
Mary “ book, in which the parents place the names of their children. Here is
our prayer to her:
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Mother of Mercy,
You trusted God and opened yourself to
receive the graces
you needed to bear Jesus your son, Our
merciful Savior.
In our ignorance and lack of faith we
the graces we needed to bear our
Now we know that the graces were always
there for us,
We were just too fearful to open ourselves
to receive them.
Mary, we are sorry for the lack of trust
and selfishness
That caused us to abort our children
And although we know we have been
forgiven by your Son
It does not diminish the wrong we have
done but
Instead magnifies the love and mercy
offered to us by
Jesus who is mercy Himself.
We know our children are in your care
Held by the same arms that held the baby
And loved by your Immaculate Heart.
Keep us safe beneath your mantle Mary
And lead us always to your Son
That through your Immaculate Heart we
may come
To the Sacred Heart of Jesus
And share eternal life with our children
Praising God forever for the mercy and
has shown us.