A very beautiful article by Vicki Thorn who founded Project Rachel.!
I've always known I meet my son in communion through Jesus. He is the veil that connects heaven and earth, but I guess we are united on a physical level as well with the cells when I receive!
All in the Family: A Reflection for Christmas
by Vicki Thorn
Our pastor shared a story about a woman shopping at the mall. She noticed a boy hanging out who looked a little scruffy. His shoes were very worn, and feeling in the Christmas spirit, she approached him and offered to buy him a new pair of gym shoes. He was very excited, and after the shoes were bought, he asked her, “Are you God?” She replied, “No, but I’m a member of His family.” “Oh good!” the boy said. “I knew we were related!”
Urban legend? Perhaps. But certainly it is loaded with truth.
I have been thinking a lot this Christmas season about some science that has given me pause. There is research that women carry cells from every child they ever conceive for many years after the event, perhaps the rest of their lives. This phenomena is called “fetal microchimerism.” The cells seem to be everywhere in the woman’s body, and the exact mechanism for transfer is not known. It is known that they can be found in the blood of the mother as early as seven weeks after conception. Likewise, children carry the cells of their mothers in their bodies (maternal microchimerism). Interestingly, if the child is born with a disease or anomaly, the cells of the mother tend to gather at the place in the child’s body as though they were attempting to repair the problem. As priest friend of mine, who is now with the Lord, once observed, “motherhood is incurable.”
read the rest here: http://www.headlinebistro.com/en/columnists/thorn/index.html