“Would my name have been the same?”
“Would I even be here?”
“Did my parents want me?”
These are just a few of the haunting questions asked by many siblings of an aborted baby’s. Questions that they are often afraid to speak out loud, for fear they too were seen as “unwanted”.
Yes, “unwanted” is a word they identify with all too often, in most cases because that is what society leads us to believe about aborted babies, that they are all unwanted. But we know this is not the truth. Most babies are aborted not because the mom feels like she had a choice, but because she feels like she had no choice. Most times, she wants her baby desperately, but is made to feel that it is impossible for her to continue her pregnancy and so she caves in to the pressures.
It is hard for siblings of aborted babies to understand this. To understand the distance they may feel with their parent who is afraid to bond because she feels she does not deserve a child, or that somehow she will hurt them. It is hard for them to understand, when they see a parent suffering with constant depression because of an abortion they may not know about. It is hard for them to sometimes believe they are loved and wanted.
We at Lumina were so blessed, along with Fr Mariusz Koch, CFR, to have our first retreat day for siblings of aborted babies in MArch of last year. We were privileged to share in the hearts of those who seek to heal and understand the deception of abortion on so many families. With over 50 million abortions in our country, countless young adults are missing a sibling.
It is our hope, that through this new outreach, we will be able to touch those suffering and help them to understand what has happened and learn that their lives are valuable, that the mistakes of others do not define who they are, or their worth. We pray to be able to help them see themselves as Father Mariusz and I saw each one of them, wonderful talented gifts from God that are loved beyond measure by a God who brought them into being and longs for their peace and happiness.
Next sibling day is March 5th!