We have been doing retreat days for siblings of aborted babies for the past two years. People have come from all over the country for this phenomenal day. we have found that they find them helpful and validating. As damaging as it is, there is hope for healing. I have seen it.
Our next one is Saturday, March 10th 2012.
Call Lumina 1-877-586-4621 or email [email protected] for more info
Siblings of People Dying in Abortions Suffer Depression
by Philip G. Ney, MD | Washington, DC | LifeNews.com | 7/27/11 11:43 AM
Knowledge of the signs and symptoms of people suffering the effects of being alive when a sibling was aborted is vitally important to physicians and politicians. The resulting syndrome is so deeply damaging and difficult to treat it can help explain many psychiatric and medical illnesses. PASS affects such a large numbers of people, it helps explain voting and economic trends.
First uncovered clinically in 1979 and described in the early eighties,(A Consideration of Abortion Survivors, Ney PG. J Child Psychiatry and Human Development 1983; 13: 168-179 and Abortion Survivors, Ney PG, Peeters MA. 1996 Pioneer Publishing Victoria BC.) data has now been carefully collected and statistically analyzed. The most prominent symptom of PASS is existential guilt, “I feel I don’t deserve to be alive.”
Other symptoms include pervasive anxiety, fear of the future, sense of impending doom, self injury, obsessive thinking, poor self identity, low self esteem, self destructive behavior, fear of becoming psychotic and dissociation.
PASS helps explain low rates of child bearing and raising. PASS people are afraid of having children. PASS helps explain economic recession. PASS people are pessimistic about the future. PASS helps explain the younger generation’s fascination with the occult. It helps us understand mad bombers who are extremely angry at adults and politicians who have allowed the massive slaughter of their siblings. It helps explain suicide bombers who have no joy in living but want a “noble” meaning to their death. It helps explain the large number of depressed people who have unresolved grief of an aborted sibling. It may help explain the growing interest in euthanasia. PASS people are poorly bonded to their parents.
Approximately: 50% of younger North Americans, 60% of Russians, 90% of younger Chinese are abortion survivors. As those who are alive because they were wanted, PASS people tend to feel they have no intrinsic value and therefore, nor do others. They conclude that everyone who doesn’t contribute is expendable.
read the rest here:http://www.lifenews.com/2011/07/27/siblings-of-people-dying-in-abortions-suffer-depression/
Here are a couple of witnesses from our web site: http://www.postabortionhelp.org/sibling/sibWitrness.html