Really good article on "safe abortion". Having had a saline abortion myself I am stunned at the rates and the fatc that they continued to allow them in the US, but then, i thas never been about safety anyway. One has to only see th elack of response from the pro abortion side when a woman dies now...
I do not know why the Lord spared me but I am grateful for His grace and the gift He gave me in coming to HIm and pray by His power alone many are lead to Him and healing...
The Stunning Death Toll of LEGAL Abortion
One of the most frequently cited arguments against criminalizing abortion is this:
If abortion is illegal, women will resort to dangerous, do-it-yourself abortions or untrained, back-alley abortionists. Desperate women will die by the tens of thousands, just as they did prior to Roe v. Wade. Legal abortion safeguards women’s health by giving them access to trained professionals who can end their pregnancy safely.
The idea that legal=safe is succinctly represented at pro-choice rallies by a “No Coathanger” image, like the one to the right. But facts, as John Adams once said, are stubborn things. On May 21, 2005, Dr. Gunta Lazdane, European Regional Advisor to the World Health Organization on Reproductive Health and Research, told attendees at a conference on population that “up to 20 percent of maternal deaths are due to abortion, even in those situations where abortion is legal…there is a question whether legal abortion is safe.”
Yes, you read that right: Up to one in five pregnant women who die is killed by an abortion--even in countries like ours, where abortion is legal.
the rest is it...(ok, out of here now...)