Please pray for this media event on December 4th in DC. I was suppose to be a presenter but, unfortunately, had to back out because of our Advent retreat this Saturday and the Lumina dinner on the 6th. Allan Parker, the speaker at our dinner is spearheading the event which has some great presenters and hopefully will draw media attention to the harm of abortion.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28, 2012/Christian Newswire --
On December 4, 2012, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., an impressive and diverse group of experts and witnesses with personal experience of abortion will present a three hour media briefing and background session on the topic: "What Has 40 Years of Abortion Done to America?"
Event Details:
WHO: Experts Including Women Hurt By Abortion
WHAT: Media Briefing
WHERE: National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
WHEN: December 4, 2012 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
ISSUE: The Impact of Abortion on Women, Families, and Society
The purpose of the briefing is to provide access to a broad spectrum of experts, including women hurt by abortion, for news media preparing news stories regarding the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. All presenters will make their written statements available to be used in any format, without embargo. Presenters will provide evidence, documentation and background material that will assist all reporters in preparing thoughtful analytical pieces that present both sides of the issue of legalized abortion. The event is being hosted by The Justice Foundation.
Operation Outcry is a project of The Justice Foundation and has now collected over 5,200 legally admissible testimonies from women of how their abortion hurt them. Five of these women will present their individual abortion stories showing the diverse range of experiences of abortion and its aftermath. The U.S. Supreme Court has cited Operation Outcry's testimonies for the proof that "some women come to regret aborting the infant life they once created and sustained..." "Severe depression and loss of esteem can follow." Gonzales v. Carhart (2007).
Speakers include: (full bios will be available on by Dec. 4)
- "Abortion Hurt Me Personally and Millions of Others" -- Carmen Pate (Senior Director of Community in Action with Truth in Action) and Operation Outcry Women Hurt by Abortion- Myra Myers, Rebecca Porter, Julie Thomas and Cindy Collins
- "Scientific Evidence That Abortion Hurts Women" -- Dr. Martha Shuping, MD, Psychiatrist
- "Impact of Abortion on African-American Community" -- Dr. Alveda King, National, Spokesperson for Silent No More Awareness Campaign
- "Impact of Abortion on Women's Health, Millions of Pre-Term Births" -- Dr. Freda McKissic Bush, MD, FACOG practicing OB-GYN in Jackson, Mississippi; Fellow in the American College OB-GYN
- "Abortion Causes Breast Cancer" -- Dr. Angela Lanfranchi MD FACS, Breast Cancer Surgeon, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and certified by the American Board of Surgery; Co-Founder and President of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute
- "Impact of Abortion on Men" -- Kevin Burke, Rachel's Vineyard Licensed social worker; Co-Author of "Redeeming A Father's Heart-Men Share Powerful Stories of Abortion Loss and Recovery"
- "Abortion Has Corrosively Politicized the Supreme Court" -- Allan Parker, Attorney and President, The Justice Foundation; Co-Host, "Faces of Abortion" Television Program; former Professor of Law
- Jeanneane Maxon, VP of External Affairs and Corporate Counsel for Americans United for Life
- "40 Years of Abortion Has Politicized Medicine and Science" -- Dr. Byron C. Calhoun, MD, FACOG, FACS, MBA; Diplomate Board Certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology in General Obstetrics and Gynecology and in the sub-specialty of Maternal-Fetal Medicine; authored over 70 peer review articles in the Obstetric and Gynecologic literature
- "Are We Better Off After 40 Years?" Georgette Forney, Co-Founder of Silent No More Awareness Campaign
- "Promises Unkept: 40 Years of Legal Abortion Has Failed to Lower Child Abuse, Crime, and Out of Wedlock Births" -- Michael New, Assist. Professor of Political Science, Master's degree in Statistics and a doctorate in Political Science from Stanford University in 2002
- "Abortion in New York (Abortion Capital USA): Painful Lessons" -- Christopher Bell, President, Good Counsel
- "Abortion Has Caused Increased Violence Against Women" -- Molly White, Founder and Director of Women for Life International -- USA
- "Abortion's War on Possibility and the Beauty of Adoption," Ryan Scott Bomberger, Chief Creative Officer of The Radiance Foundation (exposed the disproportionate impact of abortion in the Black community and the racism of Planned Parenthood; adoptee and adoptive father)