My Article On Ateleia on the abortion doula.
Last week, New York Magazine ran an article by Alex Ronan called “My Year as an Abortion Doula.” Typically, those who’ve worked alongside abortion providers and who remain pro-choice tend to gloss over the horror. But Ronan is shockingly honest. Here’s an example:
“It strikes me as strangely similar to birth,” she writes,” only the opposite word and a different outcome. Pull. Pull. Pull. What’s called the products of conception bucket is mostly filled with bloody gunk. I make out a doll-size arm, fist curled. It feels like I shouldn’t look, but I can’t turn away.”
I can’t fathom what would motivate anyone to choose this line of work. Even misplaced compassion seems inadequate to put up with seeing babies being torn limb from limb every workday. But I can understand how a caring person might respond compassionately to the women who did not want to be there but believed they had no choice. It makes sense for a doula to believe she's making a horrible situation a little less traumatic.
The rest is here