A recent GOP poll reveals that women view republicans as “intolerant," "lacking in compassion,” and “stuck in the past." I don’t find this surprising. Personally, I have often become a little more than frustrated with the way women’s issues are handled, especially abortion.
Since 1973 over 55 million abortions have occurred in the United States. We all know someone touched by abortion whether we are aware of it or not. These women are our friends, our mothers, our aunts, our co-workers, even our grandparents. They are everywhere. They are sitting on the couch next to us and yet no one speaks to them. Abortion is treated as an issue, a political football, instead of a traumatic and intense personal experience that has impacted millions of lives.
Like the dynamics in the family unit, the voices and feelings of most women who have undergone an abortion, for the most part, continue to be ignored. Sure, some voices are out there in the extremes of the pro abortion movement, but very little is heard from the everyday woman who often feels stuck in the middle of this debate.
Abortion continues to hold countless women and men captive. Even if they have gone through healing, most do not want the world knowing they have had an abortion. Why? Because the majority of women do not go skipping into an abortion clinic. Most often, they go, dragging themselves along because they feel it is a necessary evil in their lives. That of course does not make abortion right, but believe me, they already know that. They know that their son or daughter has died.
In spite of the fact that these women may not be talking, they are definitely listening. So, what are they hearing? They hear the Democrats say it is a women’s body and so abortion is their choice to make with their doctors. No judgment, a dehumanizing of their child, a go ahead, and yet they still sense something is wrong because what’s missing is the acknowledgment of what they know was their unborn child.
In stark contrast, the Republicans are loud and clear on the fact that abortion is wrong, but are seen by women as “lacking in compassion” and “intolerant.” Their mistake is speaking to the issue of the abortion, and not the person. Not the woman. For someone who already feels self loathing or is in denial, this only adds to their pain.
Millions of post abortive women will be going to the polls this fall. Sadly, their choices are bleak. No one seems to be speaking to their hearts. There is a critical lack of a voice who understands where they are coming from. A voice like theirs, the voice of someone who has been there and knows, who can validate their feelings while still voicing the wrong of abortion but at the same time offer the real hope of healing, letting them know they are not alone.
Women are waiting for words of compassion. We can shout from the rooftops about how evil and wrong abortion is, while at the same time whisper words of love, understanding, and compassion. The two do not have to be mutually exclusive. The only thing worse than either – is silence. The silence of both Democrats and Republicans is deafening.
Who is sitting next to you?