Prayer to Our Lady
Our Lady of Czestochowa, Merciful Mother,
You are a visible sign of the power of scars in our life.
Multiple times attempts have been made to cover your scars, much like the experience of post abortive people in society, however, the scars returned.
Instead of a source of pain,
your scars have become a symbol of your great love for us, your children, and your willingness to embrace them has manifested that love through centuries of healing and conversions.
Our scars of abortion will also remain with us in this life,
but with your help they too will not be a source of pain,
but instead will turn into a sign of Christ’s love,
a memorial of our children lost to abortion who we never want to forget.
Through your scars you have brought countless people
to the love and mercy of your Son, Jesus,
help us to use our scars of abortion to do the same.
May we always speak of the miracle of His mercy towards us,
and the healing He has given us through His forgiveness.
May this healing along with our scars lead others to your Son,
so that they too may learn to carry their scars with love.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, patroness of those post abortive,
we trust in your motherly presence and the many miracles
associated with this image.
May we follow you as you lead us to Jesus your Son,
and our children who are with Him in heaven.