Words of a sibling regarding our retreat days which we began 5 years ago...now on March 13-15 we are blessed to be having our first weekend retreat for siblings. Flyer below.
It is difficult to put into words the great peace and comfort that I received when I participated in the Day of Prayer and Healing for Siblings. Meeting six other retreatants who knew personally the pain and grief of losing a sibling to abortion made me feel less alone in my loss.
As a child,I can remember feeling like someone was missing from my family. During my teen years, I pushed those thoughts away because it seemed not true orpossible. Six years ago, when I learned
my mom had an abortion four years before I was born, suddenly everything that didn’t make sense to me came into focus. I also instantly missed my sibling and instantly cried tears of grief.
My mom felt the child she lost was a boy and she named him John Andrew.I had wanted and prayed for a sibling my whole life and now I realized that God had answered my every prayer. The Day of Prayer and Healing last March provided me with a whole day to just be with my brother in the Communion of Saints and to talk about him with others who understood my pain and cared. The group was a nice mixture of men and women andsomething that helped me so much was the vulnerable tears the men shared over their pain and loss. Being with the group I felt safe and secure.
Never before was I so struck thinking to myself, that this day retreat is a tangible sign that abortion is not a private matter between a woman and her doctor. I would recommend this retreat to anyone who lost a sibling to abortion.
Words could never express mygratitude to Lumina for hosting this "Entering Canaan" Day of Prayer and Healing for Siblings. The wisdom and courage of this post-abortion healing ministry, gave me a glimpse of God’s love. - JAMS