I have always found a connection to Dorothy Day who John Cardinal O'Connor spoke of often. As we began our post abortion ministry under him, his words were a constant reminder of the grace of God working in our lives.
"It is a well-known fact that Dorothy Day procured an abortion before her conversion to the Faith. She regretted it every day of her life. After her conversion from a life akin to that of the pre-converted Augustine of Hippo, she proved a stout defender of human life. The conversion of mind and heart that she exemplified speaks volumes to all women today on two fronts. First, it demonstrates the mercy of God, mercy in that a woman who sinned so gravely could find such unity with God upon conversion. Second, it demonstrates that one may turn from the ultimate act of violence against innocent life in the womb to a position of total holiness and pacifism. In short, I contend that her abortion should not preclude her cause, but intensifies it." (John Cardinal O'Connor)
Here is a great article with excerpts from Kevin Burke of Rachel's Vineyard...
Dorothy Day – Bridging the Gap
By Heather A. Bernt
March 29, 2015
There are countless examples throughout history of God using tragedy to accomplish something beautiful. The life of Dorothy Day is one grand example that will have ripple effects for years to come. Her story reveals that she embraced both the Gospel of social justice and peace and the Gospel of Life.
Today our good intentions are sometimes stopped as we feel we have to choose between different missions. Should I put all of my efforts into helping the unborn? Or should I focus on the poor, or the homeless, or the immigrant, or the prisoner, or the elderly … or the woman? Sometimes in our pursuits we deny the humanity of one group in support of another and sadly, there is often a sharp division between those laboring in these respective ministries. Things have become politicized and polarized.
Her witness proves that it’s not only possible to embrace both, but that, at least in her case, the two were connected in a profound way.
Read the rest here.