I just wanted to write a word to those who are post abortive and have been contacting me in light of the horrendous news that came to light last week. Many of you are feeling "unhealed" because you were deeply disturbed by the recent news of Planned Parenthood selling body parts.
As I was praying about this, it struck me how conditioned we are to make ourselves believe the lies the secular world has dealt out about abortion. Not only are we made to feel crazy if it bothers us, but we actually wonder if we are somehow un-healed because something as horrific as the latest exposure of Planned Parenthood upsets us.
They have done a good job!
There is of course, an irony to it all. What right do we have to be upset since we participated in the death of our children. However, contrary to what we may think, our participation gives us a huge right, more of a right than anyone else. They were our children!
Women have been lied to about abortion from the beginning. Even with this latest news, Planned Parenthood is trying to make the public believe that in the midst of an abortion decision, women have actually asked to have their child's body parts donated, as if that were on their minds! And the lies go on and on, because it is the work of the father of lies.
So, do not be disheartened if the news bothered you... it should bother you. That is a healthy response to such a horrific act. It does not mean you are not healed. It means you are a human being with feelings and a heart.
Some of you may just be beginning your journey of healing and are mourning, others may be outraged that this could have happened to their child. You are heartbroken knowing your child and the child of others may have been used by Planned Parenthood.
You have right to feel that way!
So, let us take comfort in knowing our children are at peace now, and although it is terrible to learn the evil acts of Planned Parenthood, they do not win in the end.
Let's pray that society begins to see Planned Parenthood for what it is. Let us pray for each other and for others who are hurting in silence to come forward for healing rejecting the lies they have been told.
Jesus, I trust in You!
Are you living in darkness and depression after an abortion?
Unable to get past the pain of your loss?
There is Hope. There is Healing. There is a way out of the darkness.
Email us at [email protected]
Call us at 1-877-586-4621 or 1-718-881-8008