“We expect this video will be no different in that regard; however, footage yet to come is expected to represent an extreme violation of patient privacy by including footage of post-abortion fetal tissue neither patients nor health care professionals authorized be filmed,” Planned Parenthood
Yesterday, The Blaze reported on a letter sent by a regional branch of Planned Parenthood to news outlets warning them against airing the recent videos by The Center for Medical Progress. "CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing." Or so , they would like us to believe!
Who is calling the kettle black? As I read through the excuses and attempts to redirect and intimidate those who would expose them, I cannot help but think of the countless stories I have heard from women I have seen over the years who were mislead and deceived by Planned Parenthood. In fact, their very defense is in itself once again, deceitful towards women.
The fact that they would use women's "privacy" and "lack of permission to film" as a reason not to show the videos would be comical if it were all not so serious. Yet, "privacy" has served them very well in their business of killing and hiding the truth from women. The twisting of words and misdirection of events is something they are pros at. Sadly, our society has enabled, and even supported, this behavior.
They go on to say, "The board members of this group believe that abortion is 'genocide,' and employ people who went to jail for attempting to bomb a women’s health clinic. They are also connected with the man who murdered abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller."
Well, Planned Parenthood, I never planned to bomb a clinic and I did not know the man who killed George Tiller, but I have worked with the couples whose lives he destroyed and countless other women who have suffered as a result of your lies.
I prefer not to get into this stuff here on the blog, as I would rather focus on healing, but with the amount of women calling and reaching out because they are disturbed by these events, it is something that cannot be ignored. Their feelings are legitimate.
It is heart wrenching to know that your child may have been torn apart for profit and these videos are a torment to many. Still in the face of it all, God heals. In fact, He even goes so far as to bring good out of evil.
Let us continue to pray that the truth be exposed, that the complacency of our society turn into outrage, that we all recognize and do God's will for each one of us, and that those devastated by abortion find the peace of Christ which no one can take from them.