Most of the time, I do not know whether to laugh or cry when I hear the women of NARAL, Planned Parenthood, or NOW speak about the supposed “war on women.” In the end, I usually just end up angry. Personally, I am sick of their lies, and their deceit of making it seem like they speak for all women. But, I am even more than sick of the destruction I have witnessed abortion bring into the lives of millions of women and their families.
Their voices are loud and clear when it comes to wanting abortion on demand, for any reason, and at any time in a pregnancy. They make it seem like to believe in anything but unlimited abortion is unacceptable, labeling you anti-woman. But, I know countless women who would disagree.
Are we all that dumb as to continue to believe their rhetoric? I don’t think so. After more than forty years,of supposed “safe, legal, and rare abortion," and over 56 million deaths of unborn babies, we all know someone who has suffered because of an abortion.
Personal experience has also taught countless numbers of us that we have been used, abused, and lied to for close to forty years. Countless numbers of us have been coerced by boyfriends, parents, husbands, and others to abort. We have been abandoned by those who should have loved us. We have been beaten and yes, even killed if we did not want to abort. We have acquired addictions to deaden the pain and we have lived lives feeling unworthy and filled with hatred. The stigma of abortion does not come from without as they claim, it comes from within. It comes from knowing you partook of the taking of the life of your own child. Yet, there are no outcries about all those lives destroyed from NOW, NARAL, or Planned Parenthood.
In fact, quite the contrary. Instead, they go to great lengths to deny the experiences of those of us who have suffered. It is unacceptable to them. There is, in fact, an attitude of “how dare you put in jeopardy what we have worked so hard for.” So, they continue to lie and deny our feelings.
In the beginning, they lied to pass Roe vs. Wade saying Roe was raped when she was not in order to gain sympathy and support. Then, they told us it was not a baby, but a clump of issue. When that did not work anymore, then it was early termination, for the “health” of the mother. Now, they defend the barbaric works of Planned Parenthood in selling unborn baby body parts.
Make no mistake about it, this battle is not about women’s health but instead about the right to kill your unborn child at any time, for any reason. Abortion has become a god and NOW, Planned Parenthood, and NARAL are its goddesses.
Sadly, many women, and especially young girls are still duped by them, but thankfully more and more women are speaking to the truth of the abuse, use, and violation of women by these groups.
Enough is enough. The real war on women is being raged by them!