Last week in Seattle, the “Shout Your Abortion” movement gleefully told their stories with a backdrop of slogans such as, “Abortion is Normal”, “This is not a Debate”, “and Our
Stories are ours to tell”; as a crowd of women’s smiling faces looked on. They were there to celebrate their abortion “victories”.
In this same week, the Supreme Court struck down HB2 on Monday, which required regulations at abortion clinics that every other health care facility is subject to, as well as admitting privileges at a nearby hospital for abortionists, in case a woman needs emergency treatment. The argument was that these basic no brainer steps brought an “undue burden” on women seeking abortions.
The pro aborts leapt with joy at the outcome.
Rachel Bergstrom-Carlson, a health center manager for Planned Parenthood in the South Austin told the Huffington Post, “I was overjoyed. I had tears of joy welling up for the women of Texas, and for reproductive rights in this country. There were a lot of hugs exchanged among the staff members [laughs].”
Are we really overjoyed that a woman in crisis won’t have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital? I am sure the families of those who have died from abortion, like LakIsa Wilson in 2014, and Tanya Reaves in 2012, to name just two, are not feeling joyful.
Ironically, Hillary Clinton regarding the same decision tweeted, “SCOTUS's decision is a victory for women in Texas and across America. Safe abortion should be a right—not just on paper, but in reality. –H” How is not having health regulations or hospital admitting privileges making abortion safe?
Nancy Pelosi also chimed in, “A woman’s health decisions must be her own, in consultation with her family, her physician, and her faith," "Politicians have no business undermining women’s constitutional right to make their own reproductive decisions.” What does that have to do with admitting privileges? And, what about the countless numbers of women who are coerced by husbands, boyfriends, jobs etc, to abort. Why is it that Hillary, Nancy and the clinic managers never say a word about that burden on women?
We, as a nation, were led to believe abortion was legalized for the health of the mother and that legalization would make “safe and rare”. One only has to look at the stats to see that neither one of those reasons is true. All the things that were presented for legalization in the sixties still ring true today. Women still die and are left sterile. Abortionists sometimes still abuse them. Millions of women suffer psychological distress and of course almost 60 million babies have died since it’s legalization in 1973. Safe, no. Rare, absolutely not!
As someone who has worked in post abortion healing for over twenty years, I used to proclaim that no woman walked joyfully into an abortion clinic to kill their unborn child. I still believe that was true, but the more our consciences are being killed, the more I am beginning to see that in fact, there are some women now who do just that. They celebrate the right to kill their unborn babies. They see it as an empowerment. They somehow believe that this is advancement for women and if any woman cannot appreciate it they proclaim, it is because of the shame and silence instilled on them by society, as if we stop anyone from speaking, otherwise it would all be peachy. Every woman would be rejoicing!
This “joy” of abortion is in reality a great failure for women. Sadly, it will be too late before some of those jumping up and down for joy recognize it. The attempt to desensitize to the point of joyfully celebrating the killing of unborn children is a long way from “safe and rare”. What is really frightening is that we got here so quickly, although warnings were shouted from the beginnings about the “slippery slope” we were walking on.
Contrary to what the media and these women want people to believe, these people do not speak for all women, especially the countless numbers of us who experienced the lies of abortion firsthand.
Sadly, our voices are often drowned out. Operation Outcry had over 4,000 affidavits of women who had abortions speaking of the harm it did in their lives which they presented to the Supreme Court. The court did not consider them. Nor did the court speak to any women left sterile by abortion unable to have any other children, or those suffering emotionally because of its trauma.
These same people, who claim to speak for women, deny the very real impact countless numbers of us have experienced. Our voices are hidden from the crowds. So what is a woman to do? Many just fall in line. Yes sir, the battle has been fought, toughen up and be grateful for all we have done for you is the message women get. How dare you not comply!
It takes a lot of work to be joyful about abortion. It takes denial of feelings, it takes the judgment of others condemning you to hell, it takes loneliness in your soul that you long to fill, and it takes the despair of ever feeling like you can get through the pain. It takes camaraderie, a banning together with others who have been there and since the voices of healing are not allowed and denied by our society, there is desperation to deaden the pain and belong. To joyfully belong to the celebration of abortion.
Sadly, sooner or later most of these women are going to come face to face with truth (and there is only one truth). They are going to have to look at themselves. It may be in one or two years, or it may take decades but it will happen.
Will some never be sorry? Yes. But that does not mean abortion is good, or a gift to women, or that it is a wonderful accomplishment that they have reached. In fact it means just the opposite, in the end women have brought themselves so low they are no more alive than the children they have aborted.