And they went and woke him, saying, "Save us, Lord; we are perishing." And he said to them, "Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?" Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm. Matt 8:25-26
I think I say this every year, but it is so true…when I develop these mercy retreats I am always praying about all of you, but it never fails to turn out that they end up totally for me!
So, my talk was here long before I began to pray about it…when it came time to write it I could not believe its relevance in my life right now…
“Save us Lord we are perishing”…
It has taken me years to realize that what I am asking Him is to save me from myself!
From all the actions, behaviors, temptations, sins etc, that take me away from Him
Humble confidence…
Humble-seeing myself in truth..the truth about me in all my weaknesses and faults
Confidence-trusting in Him –in spite of all my weaknesses and faults
keeping my eyes on Christ NO MATTER WHAT!
Refusing not to believe in His mercy
“Why are you afraid oh you of little faith?”
I would like to believe that I could come to the point were I trusted so much fear was not something I ever experienced. But, that is just not reality. When I feel threatened or see my family threatened I often feel fear. We all do, it is a human response, and that is the point, we cannot do it. It is impossible and even prideful to think that we can..only Jesus can do it in us
I needed to learn that keeping my eyes on Christ does not mean I have no fear. It means I continue to trust in Him in spite of my fears…in spite of my humanness.
That I refuse not to trust in Him in spite of how things may look.
It does not mean I never experience anxiety- Jesus himself felt anxiety in the Garden
it means when I am filled with anxiety I still do what I am suppose to do to follow His will.
It does not mean I do not feel hurt when someone judges me, especially when a friend judges me because of my abortion. A part of me wants to say, “Is that how you really see me ? ”
Then I have to really look and say, instead of being hurt recognizing the truth..I am that sinner.Feeling sorry that they choose to focus on that sinner instead of what God has done in me and what I have become through His grace.
It does not mean I will not have temptations-it means in the midst of temptations I will turn to Him in prayer and reach out for support if I need to so I do not fall into sin. And it means when I do fall, I trust in His love and mercy enough to know I can be forgiven in the sacrament of reconciliation
If Peter had kept his eyes on Jesus in spite of the storm around him and the fears he felt, he would have made it through the storm without sinking…this is really the picture or even the map of the journey of our lives…traveling through lifes storms to Christ Himself.
We are actually so prideful and full o f ourselves that we actually believe when we feel good and are full of consolation it is because of us when in reality it is always a gift of God.
It is easy to trust in good times with consolations, but, it is in the midst of lifes storms that our faith, our “humble confidence” is tested. It is when we are being tossed about and perishing, perhaps in unemployment, In illness, In poverty, In death,In family sufferings etc etc..I is in those times that we still need to chose to trust, to refuse to not believe in Gods Mercy. It is about keeping the focus on Him no matter where I am.
In it hard in those times,sometimes I cannot even pray, but, I can tell Him that I am here anyway and that I love Him.
I can tell Him I want to let go o f myself and my desires and only do His will-or, at least that I want to want that.
I can tell Him that n the deep recesses of my heart I am so grateful to Him in spite of my seeming ingratitude and lack o f faith
That I long to be in that place of silence with Him but it often alludes me.
I am too busy with way too many things going on even knowing that not one of them is more important than even once minute in His presence. Yet, when I am in His presence that itself is a gift from Him.
Recent life has been very difficult - All can look lost
I have to remind myself that Calvary looked that way too
That it appeared to be a defeat
But in reality it paved the way for our salvation
I had to learn and am still learning, not to act on my emotions
To have not only “humble confidence” but unceasing patience, Enduring Patience
I try not to worry, but I still do
I try not to fear, but I still do
I try to let go of all that is me but I am constantly getting in my way
It seems “I” am everywhere
And My “I” ruins everything because it takes me away from Him.
But I am learning, and will continue to learn through this journey called life,
To trust that the same love and mercy who healed me from my abortion is there for me every day That He loved me so much he freed me from that, so why would He fail me in other things.
He would’nt
To cling to the memory of that moment of my healing I speak about in the bathroom when I crouched on the floor for hours repeating “Jesus I trust in you” in spite of what I was feeling.
The moment I surrendered and let go of my “self “ and my will and climbed on the cross with Christ. That moment when instead of pain and suffering I always saw, I experienced His unfathomable love and mercy…
Yes,things are not always what they seem
It is in the storms of life that He is most present to us and in fact, our faith is called to be lived, to trust in Him no matter what, that through His gift of faith we will grow and come to the safety of heaven.
Prayer in time of Need
Jesus, do not leave me alone in suffering.
You know, Lord, how weak I am.
I am an abyss of wretchedness,
I am nothingness itself;
So what will be so strange
If You leave me alone and I fall?
I am an infant, Lord,
So I cannot get along by myself.
However, beyond all abandonment I trust,
And in spite of my own feeling I trust,
And I am being completely transformed into trust,
Often in spite of what I feel.
Do not lessen any of my sufferings,
Only give me strength to bear them.
Do with me as You please, Lord,
Only give me the grace to be able to love You,
In every event and circumstances.
Lord, do not lessen my cup of bitterness,
Only give me strength
That I may be able to drink it all.