I originally wrote this article in April. Having just come off a retreat for siblings this past weekend and with the dynamics of this presidential election I felt it was worth re posting.
This morning I read this article In it Juanita Broaddrick responds on twitter to an interview Chelsea gave to Cosmopolitan Magazine regarding her fathers behavior, calling it a "distraction" from the issues in this election. Sadly, Chelsea does not seem to think her father's repeated abuse of women is an issue, in spite of the number of women who have come forth saying he abused them. Instead she clings to the Clinton mantra of her mom, that the Clinton's are attacked and nothing is their fault and these women are lying.
How many lives have Bill Clinton ruined? Hillary who professes to be a great advocate for women, instead denies and protects her husband.
As I noted in the article below, being born to advance a political agenda is a heavy load...one that justifies Chelsea's very being. Let's pray for Chelsea to see the truth ...I am sure she would not want her children to experience what her dad has caused others to go through.
Abortion hurts everyone....
A recent Life News article featured one of Bill Clinton's former lovers, Sandy Miller, who claimed that Bill told her that Hillary has had multiple abortions. I don’t know if it is true, but it does make sense in light of Hillary’s strong pro-abortion stance, her pro-abortion activism, and her extreme views of abortion at any time, and for any reason.
The article goes on to state that the Clinton's only had Chelsea to further their political careers, which leads me to a current article regarding a talk that Chelsea gave on April 17th while on the campaign trail for her mom in Poughkeepsie, New York. In that talk Chelsea discussed abortion rights stating, "A woman's right to choose is at the core of our human rights and what should be equity in our country."
Whether Hillary has had multiple abortions or not, Chelsea's words reflect the feelings of many people who are surviving siblings of abortion. Like the women who have experienced abortion, they can be either very prolife or very pro-abortion. In their eyes, their very existence often reflects back to the haunting question of “why was I allowed to live.” Some siblings feel guilty for even being alive. Others will go to great lengths to justify abortion (isn't that Chelsea's equity?) which they truly believe allowed them to live. After all, if those other children were allowed to live, they think, would I even be here? What makes it even more difficult in Chelsea's case is that she likely knows why she was allowed to live and she is in the midst of living out that purpose right now.
Her statement reminds me of what I have heard so many siblings of aborted babies state, “now everything makes sense.”
Imagine finding out your parents had multiple abortions and you were conceived for political gain! Is it any wonder that she would feel a need to justify abortion? In Chelsea’s eyes, without abortion, she may not be here!
This very reason for her existence is currently on the line now with her mother’s presidential run. It is the reason she was given life, to further her parents political careers. What pressure she must feel! Imagine the guilt, fear of disappointment, and feelings of failure she will face if Hillary’s campaign fails.
For Chelsea, this is her very purpose in life. Without this she likely believes she too would not exist. This campaign is the thing that separates her from the abortion of her siblings and justifies her life. In her mind, it is the very core of her human rights, of her existence.
What a sad, heartbreaking place to be.
I pray Chelsea comes to know that her life and the life of her all of her siblings have dignity. That God knew them all before they were formed in the womb just as He knows her unborn child. That He loves each and every one of them. That the success or failure of Hillary’s presidential run has nothing to do with her worth as a human person, and that she recognizes abortion is not at the core of our human rights but instead, is the very thing that destroys them.
Are you or someone you know the surviving sibling of an abortion? There is hope. There is healing. There is a weekend retreat for siblings coming up on May 20-22, 2016. There is funding available to help defray the costs of attending the retreat.