All this election stuff can drive you nuts. It tests my patience, it tests my anger, it tests my compassion and forgiveness. Not easy, and I have to admit there are times when I am ashamed of myself. So,I have been making an effort to avoid the news, and just keep praying.
It is not really hard to understand how we have come to a choice such as this. Our country has been heading down the road of moral decay for years now. Between the lies, the media bias, the focus on things other than the issues, the hypocrisy, etc etc, it is no wonder we have come to this point. What I find more puzzling is why anyone would be surprised at Trumps comments considering the sexual nature of our society. Not excusing him, but just sayin'.
I try to just keep reminding myself that God is in charge when I begin to get crazy, and whatever the outcome, trust that He has our best interests a heart. We may not like what happens, but in the end, I trust it is all for the good of souls.
That does not mean to say I do not have my moments, or the thought of a extreme pro abortion president in office who will be appointing out next Supreme Court Justices does not upset me, but I do know all I can do within my power, and after, that I need to let go and TRUST. Not in this world, but in the God who loves, and healed me. I do not doubt His love.
But, being FAR from perfect, when I heard of Joy Benar calling the women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual abuse " tramps" I became angry. Anyone with any knowledge of sexual abuse can for sure understand the delays in time, or the fact that they kept silent. It is nothing unusual, and frankly, it is not as if he has not done it before, so it would be hard for us to believe. What amazing me is that he has gotten a pass, and may actually be living in the White House again. How terrible it must be for those women, to live with the abuse all these years knowing your abuser is so powerful you can do nothing. Then ,when you finally get courage to go public, have someone call you a tramp. Inexcusable.
Now, Joy is known for her outrageous comments, her support of abortion and Hillary, so it was really no surprise. Still, it is just another example of the lack of compassion for women who do not hold their beliefs and stand in the way of their extreme agenda. Every time I hear them say they are for women it makes my blood boil.
Surprisingly, (and I am sure she did not expect it), Joy got backlash (is anyone calling for her job?)for her comments, and yesterday issued an apology.
"I want to apologize," Behar said . "I never, ever intend to belittle sexual assault and the women who are victims of it ever. ... I made a joke. ... I'm sorry."
My first thoughts were not charitable as I heard myself saying , "Yeah, here is the person who shows no mercy for anyone asking for mercy." My second thought stopped me dead in my tracks..."show the mercy shown".
Now, I know that Joy Benar could care less about me excepting her apology, but I do. Not because of her, but because of the mercy I have been shown by Jesus Christ. I also pray that Joy remembers this experience the next time she is quick to condemn and judge others for their feelings or actions. Then, I thought of the apology of Trump and how, I pray he too has learned a lot during this election and his heart has been moved.
It all left me wondering if maybe, just maybe, this crazy election is a major catalyst for changing hearts. Not just Joy's or Trumps, but mine as well.
Jesus , we trust in You!