I somehow feel as though the rats are scurrying. Panic is setting in as the issue of abortion, still controversial after over 40 years, is being challenged. The same old chants of “my body, my choice” are piercing our ears while millions of us know now, through experience, it is not our body at all.
Donations are pouring in to Planned Parenthood in the name of Mike Pence, who promises, with President Elect Trump, to cut federal funding. The panic of shouts of “fire” is deafening, as we are told women’s rights are in jeopardy, but the truth is, this issue is not about women at all, but about abortion at any time, in any place for any reason.
Perhaps the extremists should have quit while they were ahead.
For over forty years I have watched as the pro aborts deny the experienced of millions of women hurt by abortion. I have read over and over, studies by so called professionals saying that there is no adverse impact from abortion, while at the same time having had my own experience and ministering to hundreds of women each year who feel otherwise.
I have seen their efforts to fight against any legislation that may truly protect women from coercion, unsafe conditions in so called clinics, violence by husbands and boyfriends and denial of the person hood of the unborn child in spite of scientific evidence.
I have read article after article of fear instilling threats to “reproductive choice” while rarely one stating the damage of abortion. (Can’t find us journalists? Give me a call )
Planned Parenthood and others like NARAL, etc. want us to pay for abortions even if it is against our beliefs. They also want to profit over baby parts that they get permission to use by taking advantage of vulnerable women who believe they are doing what is best for them by aborting. They make big bucks at the expense of those who are desperate, even covering up child abuse and not reporting incidents with minors. Enough is enough!
Families are dealing with the fallout of abortion watching women they love suffering emotionally from abortion , some never able to have children because of physical damage. Relationships are being destroyed and other living children scarred, wondering why they were lucky enough to survive.
I have no doubt many will comment on this article denying once again our experiences and the truth of what abortion is and does, the problem, however, is that people are not listening as much, because they know the truth from personal experience. As each day goes by, more and more are breaking through the lies, sadly, many times because of devastation in their own families.
No abortion on demand is not about women. If it was, they would be truly protecting women, and listening to those who it has hurt instead of denying their feelings, .Their continued lies and deception is really not surprising given the fact that the very case of Roe vs. Wade was based on a lie.
Sorry Planned Parenthood and others. You can get millions of donations from “Pence”, and spend millions of dollars as you did in the election to protect your god of abortion, but America is waking up, and those of us who know the truth are speaking out.
Women deserve better, much better, than abortion.