So, yesterday I took a ride with someone from the Entering Canaan Ministry to the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown,PA, for the unveiling of the mosaic of the Living Crown of Our Lady to mark the 300th anniversary of her crowning as Queen of Poland.
The mosaic was entirely made up of photographs that people sent in of themselves to the Shrine which then were part of her living crown.
As most of you know (and have heard me say a million times) she is the patroness of the Entering Canaan Ministry ; a result of prayers revealed to my heart, when I did not even know who she was. In time, I learned why she wanted to be our patroness, which you can read about in the previous link.
I have had a deep devotion to Our Lady of Czestochowa for many many years and actually do a perpetual daily novena to her which began over 25 years ago for my fathers' conversion. She did not let me down.
Ten years ago Fr Mariusz Koch, CFR, and I also led a pilgrimage for post abortive women to her shrine in Jasa Gora, Poland, where we brought our book of the names of our children and placed them on the altar. A few years ago, Ocean to Ocean, a pilgrimage of the traveling icon toured the world. I remember being in awe as I read it was about to embark on its journey, that one of the intentions was for the healing of those who have experienced abortion. There is no doubt she has had this intention in her heart and had been revealing it to many.
When I walked into the church yesterday I could not believe the size of the mosaic. How amazing, that so many submitted
a photo and that this breathtaking image was made up of the pictures of so many of her children who loved her.
Bishop John O. Barres of Rockville Center, New York was the main celebrant of the Mass. His beautiful homily on Mary, "What do you see when you look at her?" , brought me to tears more than once, reminding us to always invite her to the celebration of our lives as she was a Cana, always pointing to her Son.
I also found out that you could search the image online for your photo, so when I came home I began the process of looking, to see just where I was on the icon. It took me a while to move around the image. With so many photographs making up the mosaic it was hard to navigate, but I was determined to find out where my picture was located.
I had mentioned to the woman I was with that I would not be surprised, if in fact, Mary placed me within her wounds so reflective of the wounds of abortion. Wounds society wants to ignore, but which continually come out again no matter how hard they try to cover them. And so, it was really no surprise , but another loving confirmation considering all this image has meant to me through her calling, to find myself exactly there.
The image below shows my photograph. In the left corner is a picture of the entire image with a blue box and an arrow showing where the image is located. It is overwhelming to me to think of being forever there in her scars, she who has given me so much love. I pray to carry this earthly image to heaven, where there we both will be freed from our scars, dwelling with her Son to whom she always leads me.
I am all Yours and all that I have belongs to You, oh most loving Jesus, through Mary Your Most Holy Mother.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!