Scripture tells us “You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). Do you seek God “with all your heart” or do you still withhold parts of your heart from Him? I know I do. “I’ll give you this Lord, but not that. You are asking too much Lord…you want that too? How can you expect me to give you that? It is too hard.”
We are afraid to let go. Afraid of growth and change, and yes, afraid to trust when it seems our security may be threatened. It is so hard to die to our own will; a part of us continues to believe we know better than God.
St Faustina knew what it was like to surrender her will completely. She writes in her diary “I accept everything that comes my way as given me by the loving will of God who sincerely desires my happiness”.(Diary 1549)
Not just the good things, but EVERYTHING. The failures, the losses, the sickness, the fears, the sufferings, everything. She knew that no matter how things looked, God loved her and He was leading her along the road to eternal life…her happiness.
Years ago my younger son Michael brought a small statue of the Pieta back for me from a trip to Rome. Having consecrated myself to Mary by means of True Devotion by St Louis Marie De Monte forte, the statue quickly became one of my most prized possessions obtaining a place of honor on my desk. In this devotion you become a “slave” of Mary and are called to imitate her virtues. “I am all yours and all that I have belongs to you, Oh, most loving Jesus, through Mary, your Most Holy Mother”. It has been a daily prayer of mine for over 18 years. Mary becomes the possessor, of all of your works, as you strive to live with her, through her, in her and for her, that you may glorify Jesus as she did.
When Michael entered the Marine Corp. Suddenly; the statute took on a new meaning.
Suddenly I heard myself saying “I want to be like you in all things Mary but not this, this I cannot do.”
“I accept everything”.
What an example we have in Mary. She did not say “everything” but this. She did not scream for the soldiers to take Jesus down from the cross, she did not beg Jesus not to go through with the Fathers plan for Him. She did not run from the cross. She accepted everything as given to her by the loving will of God. She trusted completely, that no matter how things looked or what happened, God loved her and good would come out of it.
My humanness rebels at the thought of accepting everything. It just seems too painful to me. I know I cannot do it; I am too filled with fear. Just the thought of Michael being wounded or worse yet, killed, is too much for me, and so I live day-by-day trying to trust. I remind myself that of course I cannot do it, but Mary can do it in me, one day, one minute at a time. She can show me the way on whatever road He chooses. She knows the way; she will be there to hold my hand. When I get fearful, I can hide behind her mantle as she urges me on. I can imitate her in following her son along the road of Calvary learning the lessons she teaches me; patience, forgiveness, trust, humility, perseverance, and purity of heart.
I do not know how long they will ask me to walk this road or what lies ahead. Michael has 2 more years in the Marine Corp and will soon be heading to Iraq. All I know is that I am called to pray and trust one day at a time. I am called to consent to the will of God no matter what it is, knowing His love for Michael and His desire for his salvation. I know some days will be harder than others and that I will sometimes fail, but I also know Mary will be with me through it all, teaching and guiding me as I learn to “accept everything that comes my way as given me by the loving will of God who sincerely desires my happiness”. Theresa Bonopartis