Trust in the Lord with all of your heart
And lean not unto your own understanding
In all of your ways acknowledge Him
And He shall direct your path
Sounds so easy doesn’t it? Just trust in the Lord and all will be well. He will show you what to do according to His will not yours. Trouble is, we often do not see His will clearly and struggle to look for the sign that shows us which way to go.
Sometimes we can think we are being led one way, then all of a sudden the thing we were so sure of suddenly so clearly becomes the thing we know we are suppose to do.
Recently someone asked me what I wanted to do. I easily said what I would love to be doing with my life, but I have come to know that what I desire is very often not the will of God for me. In fact, many times, what He wants and what I want are the total opposites!
Of course I am not speaking of things like sin, but about direction in what it is I should be doing.
I have found that very often I just need to “let go” and let it play out. To relax, and yes, to “trust in the Lord”. To kick myself out of His way so that I do not obstruct His plans and He may work in my life.
This can be scary, this letting go, especially in the beginnings of healing from abortion. So often we felt so out of control it is difficult to allow anyone, even God Himself, to “direct “ our paths, yet, with counsel, prayer and faith, in doing this we will come to know that no matter how scary, no matter now opposite our personal desires, no matter what, if we trust pray for and follow the will of God all will be well for there is nowhere else in heaven or on earth where we will be more at peace.