On October 14th, at the Bronx Abortion Clinic on Eastchester Road, NYC for Abortion Rights will hold a rally to oppose Forty Days for Life. The cover photo on their Facebook page is a picture of people holding letters that spell “Trust Women."
In their advertising for the rally, they state that the “Red Rose Rescue” held on September 15, 2017 was an "escalation in violent harassment” at abortion clinics. No matter how you feel about the rescue itself, handing out red roses and praying is far from, “violent harassment." The true violence takes place inside the abortion clinics where every day babies are killed in what they can call “choice."
They cannot even honestly call it what it is.
As someone who has both had an abortion and been involved in post abortion ministry for over 20 years, I can tell you without a doubt, that the last thing they do is care for, or “trust women." Here are 12 reasons why...
- They don’t trust women enough to give them the truth about the development of their baby.
- They don’t trust women enough to tell them exactly what happens during an abortion procedure.
- They do not trust women enough to tell them the very real risks of abortion, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
- They continue to deny the very real experiences of millions of women (even The Guttmacher Institute says it is millions) and the negative impact abortion has had on their lives.
- They do not trust women enough to truly make sure they have made the decision without coercion.
- They downplay and deny the countless women forced to abort by boyfriends, husband, families, and even employers.
- They look the other way when minors come in for abortion without making sure these children are not being sexually abused, sending them back into the arms of their abusers.
- They fight against regulation that applies to any other health care facility leaving countess clinics filthy and far below standards.
- They do not show outrage and remain silent, when abortionists like Dr. Steven Brigham, Belkis Gonzalez, and Nicola Irene Riley hurt and even kill women and viable babies.
- They take advantage of vulnerable women, having them sign papers so they can sell the body parts of their babies under the presumption of doing good.
- They are silent when women die at clinics from abortion, even trying to cover it up.
- They fight against legislation that would truly protect women, caring more about the legality of abortion then the safety of women.
No, these people do not “trust women.” They exploit them and offer them up to their god of abortion.
Women deserve better.