Advent Retreat Weekend
Anyone who has had an abortion will tell you that the Advent and Christmas seasons can be particularly difficult. Everything around you reminds you of the child that is missing, often leaving you with sorrowful dread instead of joyful anticipation.
With that in mind, we will hold our first Advent Weekend Retreat, December 9-11, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Newark Project Rachel Ministry.
The retreat is full! Please keep the retreatants in prayer as they open their hearts to the birth of Mercy Himself!
Priest Training – After Abortion
On February 1st, 2018 the Archdiocese of Newark, Respect Life Office will host a training day for the clergy. The topic will be post abortion healing. Rev Mariusz Koch, CFR and Theresa Bonopartis will be presenters for this day designed to assist clergy in ministering to those impacted by this sensitive issue.
For further information please contact Cheryl Riley, Associate Director of the Respect Life Office at 973-497-4350, or email: [email protected]
Lenten Mercy Retreat
I know, we have not even celebrated Christmas yet, but it is not too early to plan for our yearly Lenten Mercy Retreat!
This retreat is developed each year, specifically for those women who have been involved in ministry for a while, or are themselves ministering to those who have experienced abortion. It is a time of renewal and growth both in healing and spirituality.
The theme of our retreat this year is “Offering Our Sufferings with Christ”, both for our own healing and those still out there alone in silence and shame.
This retreat fills up very quickly with people from across the country, so it is not too early to register!