Sadly, bullying is not just a problem with children, many adults are bullied as well. Whether it is a husband, wife, friend, boss or some other person n your life, it is not a good feeling.
I admit it. I do not do well with people who are controlling and bully other people. In fact, I can do so poorly with it, that dealing with someone like that can ruin an entire day. I hate to admit it, but it is true and something I definitely need divine intervention to let go of (and often confession!).
For me, bullying, being passive aggressive or controlling is a major abortion connector, one that makes my back go up. It is exactly what my father did to coerce me into having an abortion. He bullied and pushed me into a corner, controlling me through abandonment, until he got me to do what he wanted me to do, take the life of my unborn child.
The feelings people that do this invoke in others are not pretty. I personally feel an aversion and often find myself avoiding the person. It is even worse when these people profess to be of faith.
Yes, I have my issues with it, and probably always will in this life although I can let go of it a lot easier now, because I know what is going on. It has more to do with the past than the present. Still, bullying, threatening, passive aggressive behavior is not right and does much to harm the dignity of the person it is being directed to. It certainly is not pro life.
God is not a bully, nor is He controlling. He has gifted us with free will. He wins our hearts by His unconditional love and forgiveness, and it is in this way that we want to do His will. Because we are loved, forgiven, and given dignity by Him who we then want to love and respect back and do all He asks of us.
Bullying and controlling behavior does not draw people to God or good works. It is self serving and sinful. Sadly, the behaviors it provokes in others are often sinful as well. Only through God's grace are we able to overcome some of the deep connectors we have as a result of our abortion experiences. He understands and is ready to help us, healing our wounds as only He can.