There are very few of us who have not struggled with a relationship that perhaps ended after many years, and the deep, soul wrenching pain it has caused. It was a relationship, we believed, born out of trust and one in we shared the very depths of our soul. Sadly, what we thought the relationship was and the reality of the relationship turned out to be two very different things.
Looking back, we can see the signs were there. We may even have been warned by some good friends, but we chose to ignore what was before us, because we truly loved and wanted to believe in the love we thought was there for us as well.
Over the years, we may have made the choice to forgive a million times. Maybe it is particularly difficult because it is a relationship that we will never be able to be completely separated from. It is always before us in some form. This allows not only continuing wounds, but it makes it harder for the ones that are there to heal. Each new event reflects the depth of the pain we experience with each new “stab” of the heart because we allowed the relationship so deeply into our heart and our wounds.
In some ways, we may be thankful for this experience, because it has drawn us closer to God who sees all things and knows our hearts. He suffers right alongside us, teaching us much about His love and forgiveness. He asks us to share in His sufferings, and shows us how He too, was betrayed and abandoned by friends. He wants us to grow in love. We too fall short, and others have suffered from our failings.
Without His grace, it all would be too much for us, for it surely tempts our deepest wounds to despair, but we come to learn Christ is in those wounds with His love and mercy, and it is there where He comforts and teaches us.
After years of suffering and still feeling the sting of the pain of the relationship, we may come to finally accept that this deep wound will be with us forever in this life. A cross we will carry with His help alone, to heaven.
This He asks for souls. Our humanness wants to cast off this cross, but our spiritual side embraces and loves it out of love for Him.In a passage from the diary of St Faustina, Jesus tells her:
Be not afraid of your Savior, O sinful soul. I make the first move to come to you, for I know that by yourself you are unable to lift yourself to Me. Child, do not run away from your Father; be willing to talk openly with your God of mercy who wants to speak words of pardon and lavish His graces on you. How dear your soul is to Me! I have inscribed your name upon My hand; you are engraved as a deep wound in My Heart (Diary, 1485).
He knows how weak we are. Yes, we wound the heart of Jesus, as our own heart has been wounded, even worse. Sadly, we continue to do that until the day we die, but He has chosen not to cast us off but to continue to love us unconditionally, engraved as a deep wound in His heart.
The pain of a lost relationship calls us to do the same if we chose to follow Him. This of course, does not mean opening ourselves up to being treated badly, but it does mean offering up the pain for souls and for the very relationship that caused the wound. To cherish the gift of suffering with Christ, embracing the cross out of love, His love.
It isn’t easy. There will still be many times we will want to toss the cross far away from us, but in those times, we should try to remember that we are engraved in the wound of His heart and we must, in turn, engrave the relationship as a deep wound in our heart. We must choose to continue to love despite the pain. and pray for the grace to share in this suffering in order to love Christ more and more.