In this time of anticipation of the birth of Christ, I often wonder what Mary was feeling as her time to give birth came near.
I am sure there was unequaled joy at the thought of giving birth to the Son of God, but without a doubt, I also think it must have been a very difficult time for her. Here she was journeying to Bethlehem in her eighth month of pregnancy, and, on a donkey no less! She did not even know if she would make it there in time, and she had no idea where she would be when she was to give birth to God’s son! It took a tremendous surrender and trust in God.
Did she know of Gods plan? That her son, the innocent lamb would be led to the slaughter for our sins?
She had heard the angel Gabriel tell her “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end." But she also, I am sure, knew “Jesus” means 'Lamb of God", sacrificial lamb, so I am sure she wondered on some level if what was to come would be very painful, yet, she would her repeat her “yes”, her surrenders in trust to Gods will throughout the life of Jesus and after.
How hard it must have been to watch as he grew older and she saw the plan being played out, yet she willingly consented for our salvation. She trusted God and she invites us to do the same, to know the deep mercy and lover of her Son.\
Our children too were innocent lambs led to the slaughter. Killed by the very same sins Christ came to earth to expiate. Yet He does not condemn us but instead invites us to repentance and to trust in His love for us.
Take a long look at Christ this Christmas. Jesus who came to earth for each one of us. Who suffered for each one of us.
Thank Mary for her “yes” and allow her to lead you to the manger where Christ was born for your salvation. There instead of the shame and guilt you may be feeling, think instead of the love born for you and surrender yourself to He who is Mercy Himself!