I don't know why but every so often God definitely nudges me in a certain direction by things that happen. Today has definitely been an "adverse diagnosis" day.
It has been quit a while since we have done retreats for those who aborted because of a diagnosis society has chosen to label "incompatible with life", but recently, the couple who used to testify for us has been feeling the call again, as I have.
Today seems to have confirmed the need. I came across the site , "Ending a Wanted Pregnancy".
I have to give them credit for being upfront about being pro choice, although they assure those who come that everyone is helped and welcomed. Ok, I bought in...at least until I got to reading the page "Destigmatizing Abortion". Not that I thought abortion was okay, but I understood how they were approaching this from what they felt was a place of compassion. That all went out the window when I read this:
How Destigmatizing Abortion Helps You
If abortion weren’t stigmatized, we wouldn’t hesitate to call what we’ve been through an abortion. When we refuse to accept or validate other people’s reasons for ending a pregnancy, we, unfortunately, perpetuate the stigma of all abortions, including our own. In essence, we unintentionally contribute to the problem. Put in its proper perspective, abortion is not a character issue. It’s simply a medical procedure women sometimes need. If we don’t like our characters being judged based on our abortion, it’s pretty important to stop judging the characters of others based on their abortions. And it starts with destigmatizing abortion.
When I first came to this community 15 years ago, I had been A.) Pro-choice, but B.) certain I personally would never need an abortion. The euphemisms we used here were a relief. They saved me from having to explain to people that no, I actually planned this pregnancy and wanted this baby very much. Or that no, I didn’t do this for “convenience” but to spare my child a short and painful life of medical trauma. By putting my choice above other abortions, I put myself apart from the debate. I needed to do this at the time when I was very raw in my grief. That special abortion pedestal is what kept me above the shark-infested waters of the abortion debate. But eventually, I would climb down from my perch and enter those waters armed with a sharpened spear clutched firmly in my fist to defend all abortion.
I do agree with the precept of "an abortion, is an abortion, is an abortion", but there are certainly differences in making the decision to abort an adverse diagnosis.
While abortion is never okay, the pressures of the medical community often make couples feel as though aborting is the only compassionate answer to an adverse diagnosis. That you are somehow saving your child from pain by ending its life, hence, justification. It is the "loving" thing to do. Not only is it loving, they are told they are judgemental, the very thing they don't want for themselves, if they do not chose to help destimatize.
Put in its proper perspective, abortion is not a character issue. It’s simply a medical procedure women sometimes need. If we don’t like our characters being judged based on our abortion, it’s pretty important to stop judging the characters of others based on their abortions. And it starts with destigmatizing abortion.
Abortion is not "simply a medical procedure" women sometimes need. Abortion violently takes the life of an unborn child. The implication and guilt trip this site places on those already suffering the loss of their child, in order to pressure them to destigmatize all abortion and ensure its legality, is amazing, and far from compassionate.
The description of placing herself on a pedestal is alarming. I find it hard to believe that any of these couples place themselves on a pedestal. True, abortion, is abortion, is abortion, and it is also true that many women abort from pressure or other circumstances that allow them to believe it was the right choice to make, but there is a difference when you have decorated your nursery and are waiting for the joyful birth of your baby, only to find yourself having to make a decision in most often, very little time, while being told, in your circumstance, aborting is an act of love.
I pray more couples in this situation can find places like "Be Not Afraid"
where true compassion and help can be found.
The god of abortion seems to trump everything in the pro choice movement. Nothing is more important than its legality, not the women or the men impacted, and certainly not the babies who have dies. The slippery slope spoken about so often before Roe vs Wade just gets steeper all the time. God help us.
Our next retreat for those who have aborted due to an adverse diagnosis will take place September 28th