Every first Saturday I’ve been trying to make it to the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants vigil at the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Clinic on Bleeker Street in NYC.
The vigil begins with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; and then Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament where people continue to stay and pray as the rest of us process the two blocks to the clinic to peacefully pray the rosary in the hope that someone coming to the clinic will have a change of heart and decide for life, the conversion of the workers and of course the closing of the clinic and an end to abortion. Every month during this time, Fr Fidelis Moscinski, CFR, recites exorcism prayers in front of the clinic as the demonic evil of abortion is confronted with the life and love of God.
Years ago, going to the clinics was a weekly venture for me, but aside from trying to make it there during Forty Days for Life, in recent times, I was rarely going until I decided to make this commitment to the first Saturday of every month. It was not that I thought it was unimportant, quite the contrary, but working in post abortion ministry all week, being face to face with the evil and damage of abortion on a daily basis left me feeling I needed the weekends to step away, however, there is no question this is, as Monsignor Phillip Reilly the founder of The Helpers puts it, “the modern day Calvary”, and I am always thankful I went once I get there.
While most in the pro life movement focus on preventing abortion to save lives and thus souls from the gravity of the sin of abortion, a very crucial role, I and others in post abortion ministry follow the evil of abortion to the pits of its hell, and the devastation both on a personal level for women, men, siblings, grandparents, friends, and society in general. By the grace of God, we pray to snatch them from the grip of Satan in order to bring them to the love, forgiveness and healing of Our Merciful God. It is not an easy journey back, the devil has many ploys and seeks to keep them imprisoned, but the love of God is stronger than the devil and there is nothing more beautiful than to see the seed of grace being planted in hearts and the gratitude and humility that comes with healing. As St John Paul II stated in the Gospel of Life, these very people can become “among the most eloquent defenders of human life”.
I have felt a transformation in over these past months at the clinic, a movement from an exterior presence to an interior accompaniment at the cross with Mary at this modern-day Calvary. A call for my own personal conversion to His love.
As those who support abortion yell and scream at us, I understand the anger and the desperation to keep abortion hidden, rationalized, justified and available. How can you possibly look at the evil of abortion in truth unless you know the love of God? I have no doubt many of those who rage at us have had the experience of abortion, and others are ignorant of its damage and seek to protect those they love who have participated in one thinking it is the loving thing to do and that abortion truly helps women. In reality, abortion is the furthest thing from a selfless act of love, and although the circumstances may be different for each person, ultimately, even if coerced, it is “self” preservation, that causes a woman to abort.
As you see the many ways the need to defend abortion is manifested, it is hard not to acknowledge the lies and blindness cast on those seeking to protect it. This past month a woman walked through our group holding a hanger over her head. An attempt to remind us of the women who have died from illegal abortion. These same people do nothing to protect the women injured from supposed “safe, legal, abortion”, which continues to take the lives of women, and often leaves them emotionally, psychologically and physically damaged. Of course, we know the numbers of those who died from illegal abortion were a lie but even more striking is the fact that in the past months of February to April 2019, according to Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, six ambulances have been called to this very clinic because of medical emergencies. The blindness of sin.
One of the Planned Parenthood escorts there every month that I have been praying for, is clearly a lover of dogs. With each person who passes walking a dog, she eagerly shows affection as she is waiting to escort a woman into the clinic to kill her baby. It is hard to comprehend how she can show such love to an animal while seemingly having no regard for the unborn baby. Again, the blindness of sin.
Outside of the Planned Parenthood you cannot help but be struck by the street sign. It proudly displays the name of “Margaret Sanger Square”, a woman who sought to exterminate all those she considered not worthy of life. The “one way” sign seems to point to the clinic itself instead of the street. As I stood there praying, I could not help but think of the “one way” of abortion which leads to death, and destruction, but for those of us who know the mercy and forgiveness of God we know that sign does not have the final say.
As Mary stood at the foot of the cross witnessing the death of Jesus, most saw His life as defeated, a failure, but Mary knew better. The sign of Calvary not only was not the end, but in fact the very triumph of love over death, good over evil. As we stand at the foot of Calvary at the Margaret Sanger Center or any other abortion clinic, let us always remember and trust as Mary did, that the victory is already won despite what things look like. Let us try to never be blind to our own sinfulness knowing we are all in need of Gods mercy, and may we always reach out in the hope and love of Christ to those involved both before and after an abortion.