reprint - A personal reflection from one who once feared her but came to love her dearly.
Aleteia -Theresa Bonopartis
There was a point in my life when the thought of Mary, the Mother of God—especially as Our Lady of Sorrows—could send me into a tailspin. I felt so guilty that I could not even bear to look at or think of her. I was personally responsible for much of her sorrow and pain because I had an abortion.
She was everything I wasn’t. She had said yes to God as a teenager, while I had said no. I was neither mature enough in my faith nor aware of God’s love for me to move beyond self-condemnation. It was all about me, and it took time for me to turn my focus to Our Lord and His Mother.
As I grew in faith and knowledge of both Jesus and Mary, I came to understand their love and mercy for me: that it was proven not only through Christ’s death on the cross, but also through Mary’s consent to the sacrifice and suffering, in order to fulfill the will of God in obtaining our salvation.
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