As we celebrate the Annunciation of the Lord to Mary in these difficult times, I cannot help but be drawn to multiple meditations surrounding this beautiful “fiat” of Mary’s and the things going on in our world.
The obvious as a post abortion ministry, is the contrast of Mary’s “yes” to the “no” of those of us who participated in taking the life of our unborn children. It is a stark reminder of our lack of trust in God, for various reasons, (none of which makes it okay to abort). This truth is hard when we come face to face with it and is something, we need to forgive ourselves for. That we were not trusting or strong enough to have our children…a glimpse at our sinfulness, our “nothingness”.
Ironically, it is for this very reason that God came to earth. For the redemption of our sins. Even our sin of abortion. We are called to take our focus off ourselves, our weaknesses and failures and to focus instead on the love, mercy and forgiveness Jesus has for us in dying for our sins. In this we must forgive ourselves as well through the grace of His love and this very “yes” of Mary.
If you are suffering from a past abortion, please reach out to us at Lumina or the Entering Canaan Ministry, or one of the many others ministries available. There are many places that can assist you in working through your healing and obtaining the peace of Christ. Countless numbers of us have travelled the road and are waiting to help you.
Another aspect that of course hits me during this time, is that although we are trying to save life, as we should through this pandemic, abortions in our country number about 3,000 a day and yet there is little outcry for these innocent lives that are destroyed. Society has been duped into to believing this is a good for women leaving millions dead and heartache and sorrow for millions of women, men and other family members. This pandemic of abortion has taken millions and millions of lives and yet some of the very people “protecting” us from the virus we are facing have been advocates and promoters of killing the unborn up to and even after abortion if they are born alive. As a nation and a world I believe we are being called to look at this through our suffering. How can God continue to bless a nation that destroys the very life we say we are working to save now. All life is precious in His eyes.
Lastly, I have found it very disturbing to read that abortion clinics are not only open through all of this, while we suffer the loss of Our Lord in the Sacraments, but that they are promoting their services, telling us of many appointments and lines to obtain abortions, encouraging them by planting seeds of doubt and fear due to jobs, money etc., and even promising that if you become pregnant now since you are home (projected baby boom) and find yourself with an “unwanted” pregnancy, they are there to help you. To help you kill your baby.
On this beautiful day of the celebration of Mary’s "yes", may we all pray for our country, not only for the virus to end, but for the pandemic of abortion which has killed millions of unborn babies in our country to end as well. May we pray that those who find themselves pregnant will trust and say “yes” to the gift of life God has blessed them with and may those suffering from a past abortion reach out for the healing, mercy and forgiveness of God who loves us unconditionally.
May Mary, Our Mother of Mercy teach us, lead us, embrace us and keep us safely under her mantle.
For help after abortion 877 586 4621 or [email protected]
For help with a pregnancy including housing, call Good Counsel Homes 800 723 8331