I anticipate tonight's Holy Thursday Mass will take on more significance as we sadly will not be able to participate in person. I never thought I took mass for granted, but in this time of the pandemic, I realize that is not true. I think in many ways it is a blessing and I pray it will always be a reminder of the great gift we have. So many over the world are deprived of His daily presence.
I love attending daily Mass...when I don't I can feel the vacuum in my day. Don't get me wrong, it is not that I am holy or always "present" to God when I am there. There are days when I am in the grocery store or doing errands in my head, I am even ashamed to say, the consecration can come and go some days without me noticing, but I know Jesus knows my humanness and my heart and that, as imperfect as it may be, I love Him. That time together each day is so important to me no matter how distracted I may unintentionally get, and I know is a mainstay for the post abortive work.
Still a great grace I have felt in this time is that He is still with me. Intimately with me. In me. And praise be to God I feel His presence even though I am unable to receive Him. I am so grateful.
Thank you God for Holy Thursday, for loving us so much that in spite o f the fact you were going to be tormented and crucified, you thought of us and a way to remain present to us throughout time. Thank you for all of our priests who bring us Your sacraments. Bless them and keep them Always united to Your heart.
Help me to always cherish Your Presence in my life in the Eucharist.