I am happy to let you all know of Jesus-The Divine Mercy Foundation website. One of their pages enables you to submit a prayer petition and join in praying to their Patron Saints, St. Clare of Assisi, patron of girl babies and St. Francis of Assisi, patron of boy babies, uniting you spiritually to your unborn children.
Antoni Zabierowski, Jesus – The Divine Mercy Foundation’s Co-Founder, will personally take your prayer petition to the Chapel of the miraculous image of the Merciful Jesus and the tomb of St. Faustina in Craków-Łagiewniki, Poland. There, the Sisters from the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy will join your intention to their prayer during the Hour of Mercy at 3 PM (USA - 9 AM EST) and to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy said in the Shrine in Krakow-Lagiewniki.
Join us in praying with our Patron Saints:
St. Clare of Assisi, patron of girl babies
St. Francis of Assisi, patron of boy babiesO beloved St. Clare, patron of girl babies, you who in your last words
blessed the Lord for having created you, obtain for (name of parent(s))
the grace to mend the broken bond of life, restoring God's will in their parenthood.
Intercede for the restoration and healing of the loving relationship of (his or her baby).+ + +
O beloved St. Francis, patron of boy babies, you who blessed the Lord
for having created you, obtain for (name of parent(s)) the grace to mend
the broken bond of life, restoring Gods will in their parenthood.
Intercede for the restoration and healing of the loving relationship of (his or her baby).