As most know Our Lady of Czestochowa is the patroness of the Entering Canaan Ministry
May 3 is the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Poland
“This sign of Mary, Queen of Poland, Our Lady of Jasna Góra, has been interpreted anew: We know what this image has become for us […], what it has become in our struggles for the soul of the nation. […] I think that this sign is also meaningful for the future. Mary is the Queen of the Polish Crown; She is the Queen of Poland. Mary is the Queen of the Polish matters, Polish efforts, Polish sufferings and Polish victories. […] The past experiences teach us in whom we should see support, who is the greatest ally of the Church and the Nation. What has been established between the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church, the Queen of Poland and the Nation in Poland is, in a way, a kind of covenant. “
John Paul II, 1993