"The first right of every child is to be wanted, to be desired, to be planned for with an intensity of love that gives it its title to being." Margaret Sanger
As I read that quote of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, it amazes me how she tries to make it seem like, if a child is not "wanted" the humane thing would be to terminate the pregnancy, because being wanted is their first "right" that gives them a "title to being".
This issue of being "wanted" or "unwanted" continues today in both pro abortion and pro life circles. In the pro abortion circles, it relays a sense of false compassion for the child, obviously overlooking the fact that abortion brutally kills an innocent unborn baby.
Unfortunately, we in the pro life movement have bought in to their rhetoric. It is not uncommon to hear the word "unwanted " used when referring to babies who have been aborted, but the truth is, we have no idea if they were wanted or not.
I know what your thinking, the baby was aborted, so of course it was unwanted, but that is not necessarily true. There still seems to be such a misunderstanding of the dynamics of why a woman may abort. Of course, despite the circumstances abortion is never okay, but until we begin to look at the truth of what is happening we will never be able to change the minds of those seeking abortions because we are not speaking to their hearts. We are instead, speaking to what we perceive to be the truth but which very often is not.
Sadly, many babies who are aborted were wanted.
Take the parents who receive a diagnosis and are pressured to terminate the pregnancy, or the adolescent forced into abortion by parents. How about the woman whose husband threatens to leave if she does not end a pregnancy, or the boyfriend who turns violent and threatens her life. Grant it, not all abortions fit these scenarios, but using the term "unwanted" just separates us from reaching those who painfully cave in to pressures even though their child may have been very wanted, and leaves them feeling like no one really understands or cares what they are going through.
Make no mistake, abortion is always wrong because it takes the life of a beautiful, innocent human being and that is where our focus should be. There is no such thing as an unwanted child because every child is wanted by God and made in His image and likeness. Every child has dignity and worth. Using the language of the pro aborts diminishes these children to objects that are or can be discarded.
I pray understanding can increase to end the slaughter of the innocent babies, but also to reach the hearts of more and more women, who, contrary to what we are led to believe, are very often longing to move past their fears and find a way to have their very wanted babies.
Pregnant need help?- reach out to Good Counsel - 800 723 8331
Suffering after abortion? 877 586 4621