These familiar words of the Hail Mary, “Blessed is the fruit of your womb," bring feelings of peace and hope to my heart knowing that St. Elizabeth was speaking of Jesus!
It was from the womb of Mary that Our Lord of Mercy, the one who paid the price for my sin of abortion, came forth. I love the picture above from a greeting card of the Trappistine nuns. Mary placing the hand of Eve, who in her selfishness, disobeyed God, on her womb to give her hope of the birth of Christ, as if to say, “Don’t worry, here is your Redeemer. Mercy Himself is going to be born, and everything is going to be ok.”
How beautiful, that God would choose to use Mary’s “yes” to save us from our “no." That the fruit of Mary’s womb, Jesus, would become man, and, by His life, death, and resurrection, expiate the sin of aborting millions of unborn babies from their mother’s wombs.
“Blessed be the fruit of your womb, Jesus.” Jesus, who taught me how blessed the fruit of my womb was, not in the same way of course, but showed me my son was a gift from God, an individual life full of dignity and worth. Jesus, who shows me that my son, although not alive here on earth, is interceding for many. Jesus, who shows me that it is through his life that I have been taught about God’s merciful love and that through his life, “Entering Canaan” was born and a journey to the promised land of post abortion healing was paved.
Jesus, who shows me in prayer, that an army of unborn intercede before God for their parents and all who have been involved in abortion. Some people say that the aborted are not in heaven because of the lack of baptism. I always go back to “The Gospel of Life”, and John Paul II’s words, “To the same Father and his mercy you can with sure hope entrust your child.” Not a hope in my mind, or a hope in me, but a “sure hope," in the Father of Mercies. A “sure hope” that saves, a “sure hope” that holds unwavering trust, a “sure hope” that knows of His Mercy because of what He has done for me.
Jesus Christ, the “blessed” fruit of Mary’s womb, born on Christmas day, to redeem us from our sins.
Are you living in darkness and depression after an abortion?
Unable to get past the pain of your loss?
There is Hope. There is Healing. There is a way out of the darkness.
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