This image is the artwork of The Monastic Sisters of Bethlehem who very kindly gave us permission to use it for Penitents of Love, an initiative of the Entering Canaan Ministry. It sits in the adoration chapel where go for Holy Hour. We recently had our “Entering Canaan Mercy retreat” there.
Since the retreat took place in lent, I purchased a crown of thorns, and purple clothe and for some reason decided on only one nail. I remember thin king about that and I kept coming back to ONE nail.
Yesterday in adoration, it struck me that in the image three nails are still in Jesus, both feet and one hand, while one is gone. When I realized this I placed the onenail on the ground beneath the image as if it had just been pulled out of Him. I felt like it is saying to us-"Will you pick up this one nail - will you be united with Him in this very small share of His suffering to save souls?"
If you are like me even this one nail causes me fear. What does it symbolize? Sacrifice, illness, prayer, witness ? Will I act despite my fears? Will I love Jesus enough to alleviate His suffering in this small way out of gratitude for all He has done for me? As we move through Holy Week may we each discern His call to us individually uniting ourselves to His heart as He makes the ultimate sacrificefor our salvation.
Jesus, thank you for Your mercy to us.
We trust in You!