I have spent a great part of my life swimming against the current, trying to feel the love of God and radiate the joy I’ve seen manifested in others.
I’ve struggled with the love of God the Father. I was told and felt from my beginnings I was unwanted and of course I felt unloved. When I was a teen, I became pregnant and was kicked out of the home, abandoned, and then coerced into an abortion. It was, I believe, the cumulation of all I had been experiencing up until then. They now had an excuse to get rid of me-the child they never wanted.
We don’t often recognize the ways in which these experiences impact our lives. Eventually I found my faith, Gods love and mercy and had healing from both my abortion and an abusive marriage where I was also abandoned.
As grateful as I have been for a multitude of gifts, He has given me, there has still been that part of me that screams “NO” to a total surrender to His love. A part of me is terrified to trust and terrified of being abandoned again.
I have tried to sit in the love of God, to concentrate on the love instead of the suffering, but for me the suffering is where I find the love.
Some people relate to God through the love they have been given and felt with confidence through their lives. It is where they meet and love Him-an incredibly beautiful thing.
I have tried to experience that, but it is painful because I don’t relate, so it just magnifies all I did not have and leaves me feeling all the ways I have always felt-unlovable, unwanted, and alone.
I find God in the suffering. Jesus knows what its like-the abandonment, the loneliness, the rejection, tossed out and unloved. This is the place where we meet, and I experience His love, even His joy.
One of my biggest struggles is not wanting to need people-because of my experiences. I am very self-reliant, but I am trying to learn to trust. There is a fine line for me between healthy detachment and an excuse not to allow myself to be vulnerable, to need anyone, including God.
Recently as I struggled through trusting with someone, I found myself feeling and saying to them, “I am sorry for being such a burden-for always bothering you.”
It was so striking to see clearly that this is how I think of myself still on some level. I also see that this thinking gives me an excuse not to trust and not to love.
In my suffering with Christ, I know I am not a burden. He waits for me each morning in adoration and I am so grateful to be with Him. He gazes at me and loves me in my brokenness that He totally understands, and I gaze at Him and love Him, grateful for His presence in my life.
I am learning I need to stop trying to be what I am not. I need to stop swimming against the current. As in a riptide I need to surrender to the power of the current and continue to allow God’s love and providence to come to me in the suffering bringing me safely to heavens shore where I won’t feel fear or suffer anymore.