I've never done too much to promote the book of meditations I wrote "The Journey to Healing Through Divine Mercy" on healing from an abortion. It was published by The Marians about 6 years ago now and they pretty much do the promootion in their,catalog etc. I just always pray that it is out there helping people to heal- letting them know they are not alone, but mostly helping them come to the Divine Mercy of God and His desire for our healing.
Every once in a while He remnds me its out there through an email or letter from someone who somehow has gotten their hands on it.
I received one of those recently: "I am on my third read of your book. It is truly a work of divine literary through the Lord." GF
I am grateful to be reminded that it is out there continuing to help people in their healing. MAy He continue to use it according to His will as wounded souls come back to Him embracing HIs mercy & love.